Udayana Medical Faculty Wins Four Awards at the 2023 APFCB Event

Udayana Medical Faculty Wins Four Awards at the 2023 APFCB Event


The FK UNUD Clinical Pathology Specialist Study Program collaborates with several study programs to take part in the Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB) Laboratory Medicine Case Contest 2023 which will be held online on December 18 2023. Of the hundreds of case report manuscripts that took part in the APFCB Laboratory Medicine Case event Contest 2023, there are 50 best cases selected to be presented.


In this event, the FK UNUD Clinical Pathology Specialist Study Program in collaboration with other study programs received 4 awards, namely:

# 1st Prize Award APFCB 2023 won by:

1.Dr. Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)

2. ⁠dr. Tania Wangunhardjo

3. ⁠dr. I Made Mahayasa, Sp.B-KBD

4. ⁠dr. Ngakan Putu Daksa Ganapati, Sp.Onk.Rad


# 2nd Prize Award APFCB 2023 on behalf of:

1. dr. I Gusti Ayu Mardewi

2. ⁠dr. Marchelly Sharlyn Irianne Lewu

3. ⁠dr. I Putu Yuda Prabawa

4. dr. Pande Made Ningayu Flower

5. dr. I Dewa Agung Gede Agastya Janardhana

6. ⁠Prof. Dr. Dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K)

7. ⁠dr. Ni Nyoman Mahartini, Sp.PK(K)

8. ⁠Dr. Dr. I Nyoman Wande, Sp.PK(K)


# APFCB Excellence Award 2023 (Case 1) won by:

1. dr. I Putu Yuda Prabawa

2. ⁠dr. Marchelly Sharlyn Irianne Lewu

3. ⁠dr. I Gusti Ayu Mardewi

4. ⁠dr. Pande Made Ningayu Flower

5. dr. I Dewa Agung Gede Agastya Janardhana

6. ⁠dr. Pande Putu Ayu Patria Dewi, Sp.PK

7. ⁠Prof. Dr. Dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K)

8. ⁠Dr. Dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK(K)


# APFCB Excellence Award 2023 (Case 2) won by:

1. dr. Tzeto Han Cong

2. ⁠Prof. Dr. Dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, Sp.PK(K)

3. ⁠Dr. Dr. Sianny Herawati, Sp.PK(K)

4. ⁠Dr. Dr. Ni Kadek Mulyantari, Sp.PK(K)

5. ⁠Dr. Dr. Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati, Sp.A(K)


Asia Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry (APFCB) Laboratory Medicine Case Contest 2023 is an international event attended by 18 countries in Asia Pacific. It is hoped that this achievement will be an inspiration for the FK Unud academic community to continue to excel at national and international levels.