PPK Ormawa FT Machine Student Association. Unud won 3 medals in 3 categories of the 2023 abdidaya award

A brilliant achievement was recently achieved by the Student Development Center (PPK) Ormawa Engineering Student Association (HMM) Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University in Gunaksa Village. This team managed to bring home three medals in the 2023 Ormawa PPK Abdidaya Award event which was held at the University of Jember (UNEJ) for three days, from 7 to 9 December 2023.

Under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Wayan Nata Septiadi ST., MT., PPK Ormawa HMM team showed their excellence in several categories. The gold medal (1st best) was won in the sustainable partner category, confirming the team's important role in supporting the sustainability of the program in Gunaksa Village. Extraordinary achievements were also seen in the implementing team category, where they managed to win a gold medal (1st best), showing dedication and excellence in carrying out the planned programs.

No less important, the PPK Ormawa HMM team also won a bronze medal (3rd best) in the Ormawa category. This success shows their positive contribution in improving the quality of life for students and the community around campus.

Abdidaya PPK Ormawa 2023 is the culmination of a series of activities that have been going on for approximately 5 months in Gunaksa Village. Of the three Udayana University Ormawa PPK teams that succeeded in qualifying for abdidaya, the HMM Ormawa PPK team succeeded in being at the forefront by achieving brilliant achievements in three categories. Despite this, the PPK Ormawa Industrial Engineering Student Association team is still fighting hard to win medals in this competition.

This success not only reflects the achievements of the implementing team, but also underlines the importance of synergy between the implementing team, partners, supervisors and higher education leaders. The implementation of the benefits of Ormawa Indonesia seen in this activity proves that students have a significant role in advancing and providing a positive impact on society. We hope that this achievement will be an inspiration for other students to continue to contribute to the development and welfare of society.