AMBRIUM 2023: An Exploration Platform for the Young Economic Community to Hone Creativity

Denpasar, BEM FEB Unud The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (BEM FEB Unud) held Abdi Muda Equilibrium (AMBRIUM) from October to November 2023. This event was carried out by focusing on the purpose of the activity, namely as a forum for practicing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and contributing directly to the community and the surrounding environment. Abdi Muda Equilibrium (AMBRIUM) 2023 is a new concept from one of the work programs of BEM FEB Unud, which was previously named Bakti Sosial Mahasiswa (BSM), as well as being one of the alma mater socialization programs for new students every year. Although now held under a different name, this AMBRIUM activity is not much different from the activities in the previous year, namely still carrying out training for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) and carrying out community service in the village. What is new in this activity is the addition of benchmarking, product launches, and training for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) cadres.

With the updates added to this annual village service event, AMBRIUM 2023 also has several series of activities. First, the activity began with benchmarking and test markets. Benchmarking was carried out on Wedang Karsa coffee products produced by the PPK Ormawa Implementation Team of BEM FEB Unud. The activity, which was attended by several representatives of each ton (group in AMBRIUM) of new students by reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of Wedang Karsa coffee products, was held on Friday (20/10), which took place at the coffee factory, Seniman Coffee, Sakah, Ubud. Then, a test market was conducted in the area where each student lives. Furthermore, village service activities were carried out on Saturday (October 21) in Karyasari Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency. The event began with a talk show by village representatives and representatives of the PPK Ormawa BEM FEB Unud team. Then, it continued by conducting a survey of the village's potential and training in making the Student Creativity Program (PKM) by speakers who are experts in their fields.

Not stopping at village service activities, the series of events continued with the socialization of MSME cadres and monitoring activities on Friday (27/10) and brought in expert speakers in order to provide knowledge for new students. Then, there are practical activities for MSME cadres and presentations of village potential papers and closed with the distribution of basic necessities to the village community which was carried out on Sunday (29/10). After that, the activity timeline continued on Saturday (04/11) by carrying out the Wedang Karsa coffee product launching activity which was tucked away with the product promotion activity. Then, at the end of the long series of events, came the AMBRIUM 2023 appreciation day which was held on Saturday (12/11) and attended by invited guests, organizers, and 1,050 AMBRIUM participants. The series of appreciation day activities began with the presentation of material by speakers which was then followed by giving appreciation to AMBRIUM participants for their best assignments and ended with the official closing of AMBRIUM 2023.


With the end of the long series of AMBRIUM 2023 events, of course behind the scenes of the success and smooth running of these activities, there is hard work from all parties, especially the committee who is the driving force of the event with all the preparations made neatly and carefully. Ni Kadek Ayu Puspita Dewi as the Chairperson of the AMBRIUM 2023 Committee also expressed her gratitude to all parties for their contributions to the event. "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all parties who have helped with this service activity, especially the younger siblings of Abdi Muda Equilibrium 2023 volunteers who are the main role in Abdi Muda Equilibrium 2023 activities. Thank you for being willing to jointly carry out a series of Abdi Muda Equilibrium 2023 activities starting from October to today, namely the D-Day of Appreciation," he explained.


The long series of AMBRIUM 2023 events that have been completed have raised expectations from all parties about the output of the event. Ayu Puspita is one of them, with strong hopes for the provisions that all participants will bring after the event. "We really hope that the activities we have done can provide benefits for ourselves, the community, and the environment," she said. Ayu Puspita also advised all AMBRIUM 2023 participants by reminding them that, as students, they should carry out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, one of which is community service, which always coexists among the community to always have a significant positive impact on both the community and the surrounding environment. "For that, do positive things that are able to provide benefits for yourself, the community, and the environment," Ayu Puspita concluded in her report. (snt)