Architecture Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University is holding an Exhibition & Discussion on Photography of the Architecture of the Bali Mountains in the 2023 Ubud Campuhan Budaya

The magical atmosphere and beauty of the Bali Mountains are immortalized in the stunning Architectural Photography Exhibition & Discussion, as part of the 2023 Ubud Campuhan Budaya (Neoclassic Culture Festival). This initiative presents 21 spectacular works from lecturers and students of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.



This exhibition is the result of synergy between the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and the Janahita Mandala Ubud Foundation, which is committed to promoting the beauty and meaning behind the architecture of the Bali Mountains. This event is a highlight in the lively cultural festival held in Ubud, combining traditional and modern essences in one artistic platform.


The photography exhibition, which runs from 1 to 3 December 2023 at the Ubud Palace Painting Museum, displays 21 works depicting the natural beauty of the Bali Mountains and how local architecture blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment.



The event reached its peak with a discussion session which was enlivened by the presence of Dr. Eng. Ir. I Wayan Kastawan, S.T., M.A., an architectural expert who brings deep insight into the role of architecture in the context of the Bali Mountains. The discussion was guided by Ar. Ir. I Dewa Gede Putra, S.T., M.T., academic staff of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University who has expertise in the fields of architecture and art.


"We hope that through these works, people can better appreciate the natural and cultural richness of the Bali Mountains. Architecture is not only about physical structure, but also a reflection of local values and identity," said Ar. Ir. I Dewa Gede Putra.



This activity succeeded in attracting the attention of architecture students, the general public and tourists who actively participated in witnessing and discussing the harmony of architecture and the environment. Through the success of this event, the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and the Janahita Mandala Ubud Foundation hope to continue to inspire and empower the community in understanding the importance of preserving local wisdom through art and architecture.
