The Release of Candidates for the 6th Graduation Period of Udayana University's Postgraduate Program

On Friday, December 1, 2023, at the Postgraduate Unud Building, there were 6 prospective graduates, including 1 prospective graduate from the environmental science doctoral study program and 5 prospective graduates from the environmental science master study program, released by the Postgraduate Unud. "We can report that, to date, Postgraduate Unud has 7 graduates from doctoral programs and 561 graduates from master programs, including those that will be released this morning," Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and Planning of Postgraduate Unud, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., IPM, ASEAN Eng, explained.



"Thank you for your dedication, invaluable lessons, and guidance that have shaped us into more experienced individuals and are ready to face future challenges with enthusiasm. This graduation celebration is not the end of a journey but the beginning of new and greater challenges," said Dr. I Putu Wira Utama, S.Si., M.Si. who became a representative of prospective doctoral program graduates in delivering impressions and messages to prospective graduates.


Director of Postgraduate Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU ASEAN Eng, at the end of his speech revealed that this activity is in line with the hope that universities are able to create superior Indonesian human characters who are able to think rationally, critically, creatively and innovatively. Hopefully Postgraduate Unud will continue to be a place that produces quality graduates who contribute positively to society and the Nation. (els)