Uji Publik Kandidat Pemilu Raya 2024 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana, is an arena for competing ideas between senate leadership candidates. This event is one of PEMIRA's agendas which is always held every year. Different from the previous year which was called the Debat Kandidat, this year the PEMIRA Commission changed the name of the agenda to Uji Publik for the reason that the name Uji Publik is more appropriate for this activity because FVM Unud students can directly test senate leadership candidates to express their ideas for the next 1 period.


This year's event will be held on Saturday, November 25 2023 at 08.45 WITA in the Biostat Practicum Room, Fl. 2, FVM Jimbaran Building. The event began with an opening by one of the members of the event, namely Khansa Zharifah as master of ceremony, followed by the reading of prayers by Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyandari Jiesta, one of the members of the sie konsumroh, then the singing of the songs Indonesia Raya and Mars FVM led by one of the members of the sie event, namely Ferrend Reva. The next agenda is a report from the Chair of PEMIRA 2024, namely Amira Inas Wibowo, which is then followed by remarks from the Chair of BEM who on this occasion was represented by the Deputy Chair of BEM, namely Lefira, followed by the General Leader of LPM Suara Satwa, namely Nadhira Bunga Intan, and finally remarks from the general chairman of the DPM is Dewa Akbar Maulana.


Entering the main event, namely the Debate for Candidates for Chair and Deputy Chair of the Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa for 60 minutes, but before that it started with technical and regulatory readings as well as reading debate issue material for 10 minutes each. The candidate debate is divided into 4 segments, each segment, the candidate pairs are given 2 minutes to answer questions, then on the debate agenda the moderator always asks for responses from the three panelists. After the debate was over, the activity continued with a question and answer session by functionaries for the 2023 period and the audience. An interesting question in this session was regarding PB and PC IMAKAHI, which received many responses from every candidate pair, panelists, and viewers both offline and online.


The event was paused with ISBAMA activities for 15 minutes, then continued with a debate on candidates for general leadership of LPM Suara Satwa for 60 minutes which began with reading material for 10 minutes. In this debate session, each candidate for general leadership was given 2 minutes to speak. In this session, the moderator always asks for responses from the panelists. The agenda is the same as the previous debate, after the debate is over the activity continues with a question and answer session by functionaries for the 2023 period and the audience. An interesting question in this session is about LPM SS and freedom of expression are closely related because journalism is often considered the main means of actualizing and protecting freedom of expression.


The debate agenda for candidates for general leadership of LPM Suara Satwa is the final agenda of the 2024 PEMIRA Candidate Public Test activities, the event ends with a documentation session and is then closed by the MC.