Public Discussion on the Synergy of the Judicial Commission with Judges and Law Enforcement Officials

Author: Cinthya Puspita | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Badung, - Wednesday (15/11/2023) The Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KY RI) held a Public Discussion in the framework of the Synergy of the Judicial Commission with Judges and Law Enforcement Officials with the theme "Efforts to Prevent Anarchist Acts in Trials and Courts," at the Trans Resort Bali Hotel, Badung. The discussion was attended by the Chief Judge of PT Dps, Judges of Bali Religious Court, Judges of PN Dps, Judges of PA Dps, Judges of PTUN, Judges of Military Court III-14 Dps, Kejati, Kejari, Operational Bureau and/or Legal Bureau of Bali Police, Operations Section of Dps City Resort Police, Legal Bureau of Provincial Secretary. Bali, Legal Section of Prov. Bali, DPC Peradi Denpasar, KAI Denpasar Regional Leadership Council, Dean of FH UNUD and representatives, FH Warmadewa University and FH Mahendradatta University.

The activity began with a speech by the Head of the Advocacy Section, and Capacity Building for Judges of KY RI, followed by the delivery of the Keynote Speech by KY RI Commissioner / Head of HR, Advocacy, Law, and Research and Development, and continued with the presentation of speakers including, Mochammad Hatta, SH, MH. (Chairman of the Bali High Court), Dr. R. Narendra Jatna, SH. LL. M. (Chairman of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office), I Nyoman Budi Adnyana, S.H., M.H. (Chairman of DPC Peradi Bali), AKBP I Wayan Suputra, SIK, MM (Bali Regional Police Commissioner), Miko Ginting, S.H., M.A (Spokesperson for the Indonesian Judicial Commission), and moderated by Narwanto. MH. 

The public discussion ran interactively, where the participants provided interesting responses and input to be developed by the KY, related to efforts to prevent anarchist acts in the trial. The Dean of FH UNUD also provided support by suggesting that FH UNUD students be given PMKH material in lectures on courts and lawyering.

Through the results of this discussion, it is known that there is a lot of support in the success of this step, where one of them Peradi DPC Bali is ready to include PMKH prevention efforts into PKPA material. This activity provided constructive input for academics, agencies and practitioners.