The 144 Graduation of Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering held an Improving the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Graduation Ceremony period 144, on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Still in pandemic situation, this event was carried out via daring and limited attended by leaders and representatives student.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, S.T.,M.A.Sc.,Ph.D said purpose of the graduation is giving a motivation about entrepreneurship knowledge by inviting speaker from alumni that has experience full in work world.

The 144 graduation release 70 graduates, 60 of Bachelor Program and 10 of Master Program, for Doctoral Program doesn’t has an graduates yet. The total of graduates/alumni is 13.259. The best graduates is achieved by Panji Wiratama Santoso, S.Kom from Study Program Bachelor Information Technology, and I Gede Abi Yodita Utama, S.Kom.,M.T from Study Program Master of Electrical Engineering.

The invited speaker was alumnus of Study Program Information Technology batch 2013 Wayan Oger Vihikan, S.TI., M.IT. In his speech, Wayan Oger Vihikan was shared about his career begin from bachelor study until graduate at UNIMELB Australia in 2020. Furthermore, Wayan Oger Vihikan also giving tips of success by take an opportunity and work hard to all graduates.

The event was closed by speech of the Dean of Engineering Faculty Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T.,Ph.D. “The day is last officially day for all of you at the Faculty of Engineering. Two or four years ago we accepted you in PKKMB, and this day we return you to your parent, family, and public. The knowledge that you’ve prepared, the competence that you have, and the study experiences at university as a sense, make it all in line on profession that you’ll choose”.