Implementing the OBE Curriculum, FMIPA held a SIMAK-OBE workshop

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University held a Course Setting/Input Workshop on the SIMAK-OBE System in the Context of Systematic Implementation of the OBE Curriculum on Monday, November 27 2023 offline at the 3rd Floor of the FMIPA Unud Building and online via Webex and live YouTube . This activity is a follow-up to the previous workshop, namely the OBE Listening Socialization workshop which was held on October 24 2023. These two workshop activities were held in preparation for international accreditation and also national accreditation for FMIPA Unud, especially in the context of implementing the OBE curriculum in a systematic manner.


Chairman of UP3M FMIPA Dr. I Nengah Wirajana, S.Si, M.Si, expressed his gratitude to all participants for their presence both online and offline, and also did not forget to express a very big thank you to the resource persons who were willing to take the time to provide guidance to the FMIPA community. in order to implement SIMAK-OBE as one of the preparations for international accreditation which will soon be implemented. Wirajana also thanked the entire committee who had worked hard to organize this activity.


Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D in her speech expressed her thanks to the resource person for his willingness to provide enlightenment to the entire FMIPA academic community. "This activity is a very important thing to carry out, because FMIPA will carry out international accreditation. Whatever accreditation is aimed at, the first thing that must be created is an OBE-based curriculum. Next year we hope that all study programs can carry out international accreditation." Furthermore, Watiniasih hopes that all courses can be implemented based on OBE. It will definitely be difficult at the start, but once you have experience it will be easy to implement OBE in other subjects.


The resource person for this workshop was I Made Arsa Suyadnya, S.T., M.Eng from the Electrical Engineering Study Program, bringing material on CPL/Indicator mapping to courses and a list of CPMK per course, CPL settings/input and Performance Indicators (IK), settings/input CPMK and Performance Indicator (IK) Mapping for each course, setting Evaluation Types, Assessment Forms and Grade Ranges, and guidelines for inputting grades and portfolios by lecturers and CPL monitoring and evaluation.


Participants in the workshop which was attended by the Study Program Coordinator at FMIPA Unud, the Study Program Operator at FMIPA Unud, the Chair and Members of UP3M FMIPA Unud, and the Chair and Members of the FMIPA Unud International Accreditation Preparation Team were present online and offline. In this workshop, the workshop participants understood the steps for implementing OBE in SIMAK-NG, starting with the Study Program inputting CPL, IK, CPMK, and mapping performance indicators. Followed by setting the type of assessment, assessment input, and value range which is also carried out by the study program. After everything has been set by the study program, the lecturer can set the assessment weights on the assessment form for each course taught, input grades, and input portfolio data. At the end of the lecture, the Study Program can see the CPL monitoring and evaluation (individual, semester, class, and graduate) and students can see the results of the individual CPL assessment and monitoring and evaluation.


Systematic implementation of the OBE curriculum is very important in implementing accreditation to guarantee the quality of curriculum implementation which is the main point of accreditation assessment. The future hope of this workshop is that the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty will be able to implement the OBE curriculum in a systematic manner using the Simak OBE system starting in the 2024/2025 academic year.