Participants said in ICAMSAC 2023

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Udayana University held the 2023 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing (ICAMSAC). This international seminar was held over two days, namely 21 and 22 November 2023. On the first day, six speakers from various countries presented material that is very interesting in the fields of informatics and mathematics.

The second day's activities were filled with parallel presentations by participant speakers. A total of 99 researchers have presented research results in parallel presentation sessions. Various research topics have been presented in parallel presentations, such as software engineering topics, pattern recognition, mathematical models, UI/UX approaches, mobile applications, and the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning methods.

It is hoped that this parallel presentation will provide researchers or academics with the opportunity to explain research results and ideas to other researchers, students, and the public. In the disclosure activity, participants and presenters can also provide suggestions, questions, and constructive criticism so that researchers can get feedback to improve research or as material for further research. Parallel seminars also allow participants to interact more closely with fellow participants who have similar interests. This can help in building professional networks and potential future collaborations.

One of the parallel presentation participants, Fathiyarizq Mahendra Putra from Gadjah Mada University, argued that as a student and presenter, he gained a lot of insight into other research related to computing and data, which also gave him the opportunity to present his research with the team. Mahendra hopes that next year this international seminar will continue to be carried out even better, and it will be even better if everyone uses English throughout, from the presenter to the question and answer session.

Another parallel presentation participant, Ni Kadek Emik Sapitri from Brawijaya University, is also an alumni of the Udayana Mathematics Study Program. He was happy to be able to return to Udayana for this seminar. The lecturers and committee are all very friendly. The main speakers invited also had interesting and up-to-date topics. He advised that the event should be held regularly and the information should be more widely disseminated so that it can reach more campuses in Indonesia and that the participants are more heterogeneous.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as a seminar organizer, will, of course, make good efforts to organize quality activities in the coming years. The organizers also hope that discussions focused on certain topics in the fields of mathematics and informatics can trigger a deeper exchange of ideas between participants. This can stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving in those specific areas.