Developing an Application for Erectile Dysfunction Screening, UNUD Faculty of Medicine Students Win International Nominations

The proud news came from students of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) who participated in the Boost Hacks 2023 hackathon event. In this international hackathon competition, the Penisure team from FK Unud consisting of Stephanus Rahardian Hersacra Nudu (PSSK 2022), Theresa Paramita (PSSK 2022), and Helena Angeline Darwis (PSSK 2022) under the guidance of Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara, S.Ked., M.Biomed., Sp.And., won the Best Healthcare Hacks nomination. This nomination was won by developing the Penisure application, a mobile-based application that is useful for conducting personal screening for erectile dysfunction.


The Boost Hacks event is an international hackathon competition held online by SciLite Organization on September 8, 2023-30 October 2023. This event brought together more than 800 participants from various countries and competed for various nominations, such as Best Healthcare Hacks, Best AI Hacks, Best Education Hacks, and Most People Helped.


The Penisure project itself is published as an open source application and licensed under the MIT License. Readers can view and forking the source code on Github via the link