Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Held a Workshop on Increasing Education Readiness in Implementing Green Buildings in Green Campus Standards

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University has held a Workshop on Improving the Quality of Learning through Strengthening Education Readiness in Implementing Green Buildings in Green Campus Standards. This activity took place, Monday 13 November 2023 in the FT Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Dean's Building, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran. The activity was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Lecturers, Teaching Staff and Students. The material was delivered by the resource person, Prof. Dr-Ing Nandy Putra and moderator Dr. Ni Made Pertiwi Jaya, ST., M.Si.M.Eng.



A green campus is defined as a campus that is environmentally friendly, namely one that integrates environmental science into higher education policies, management and tridharma activities. Green campuses have the intellectual capacity and resources to integrate science and environmental values into their missions and programs. Green campuses are designed to produce national leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, farmers or other earthlings who respect the environment. Green campuses must also be an example of implementing the integration of environmental science in all aspects of management and best practices for sustainable development.



UI Greenmetric is a standard issued by the University of Indonesia, namely the first higher education ranking system in the world whose main basis for assessment is the commitment of universities in managing the campus environment. One of them, the FTUI Integrated Creative Engineering Learning Laboratory (i-CELL) building, which was inaugurated in September 2021, received EDGE Advanced (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) certification from the Green Building Council Indonesia. EDGE certification is divided into three categories based on proof of energy, water and material savings, EDGE Certified (minimum 20% savings), EDGE Advanced (minimum 40% savings) and Zero Carbon (100% savings). This prestigious certification is a green building certification given to buildings that are deemed to have achieved at least 40% success in efficiency and energy conservation, water conservation, and energy conservation of the building materials.


The i-CELL FTUI building has proven successful in reducing energy savings of up to 70%, water savings of up to 42%, and energy savings from the materials used by 48%. Energy savings are achieved through the use of energy-saving lamps, installation of a 101 kWp PV Solar Panel on grid on the roof top of the building which is capable of producing 30% of the electrical energy for the building, and integrated control of electrical power usage in the building. Water savings are carried out through a rain water harvesting system where rainwater is collected and used to support building operational activities by going through a filtering process. Based on the green campus concept, it is hoped that FT UNUD can implement energy savings from materials in order to create a green campus.