Happy 14th Anniversary UMCC FH UNUD

Author: Organizing Committee | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Udayana Moot Court Comunity (UMCC) FH UNUD held Anniversary, Charity & Gathering (ACG) XIV activities to celebrate UMCC's 14th birthday with the theme "Colors Every Chapter of Your Journey with UMCC." This activity consists of 2 series, namely: "UMCC: Aiding Hearts" and "UMCC: A Night to Celebrate".

"UMCC: A Night to Celebrate" was successfully held on Saturday (11/11/2023) at LC Bar & Kitchen Bali, Renon. This activity was also the highlight of the ACG XIV UMCC event which was marked by cutting the birthday cake as a symbol of joy and happiness for the increasing age of UMCC. 

Trustees, delegates, functionaries, members, official members, and alumni participated in enlivening this event. Entering the main event, there were talkshow activities filled by three speakers who are alumni of UMCC, namely: I Made Adikawid Sanjaya, S.H., I Wayan Dedi Putra, S.H., M.H., and Cok Istri Bhagawanthi Pemayun, S.H., who was guided by the moderator, I Komang Chandra Putra Wirawan. The talk show session was very interactive. The event was lively with games, talent performances, and karaoke night which aimed to strengthen the brotherhood between the UMCC big family.