To improve International Publication Competence: UPIKS Postgraduate Team Joins Udayana Spokesperson Team Workshop

    Located in Bali Dynasty Resort, the Rector Spokesperson Team of Udayana University (Unud) held a workshop with the theme Adaptation of the Digitalization Era in Publication Activities Towards Internationalization. The event, which took place on November 14–15, 2023, was attended by the entire team of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS) at each faculty, postgraduate, and unit at Udayana University. Also attended were representatives from several online media in collaboration with Udayana University.



    This workshop was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Information and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M. Kes, and aims to further improve the competence of the UPIKS team in publishing news about activities carried out in each faculty, postgraduate, and unit at Udayana University. Four speakers were presented in accordance with their fields of expertise to present material related to internationalization publications, namely from journalists, lecturers, and content creators.

    "In line with the proclamation of Udayana University to become a world-class university, we are also required to adjust to this condition. So with the holding of this workshop, it is hoped that the competence of the UPIKS team towards internationalization will also increase, "said the Vice Chancellor in his speech.


    It is hoped that this workshop can increase the competence of the UPIKS team in utilizing digital publications towards internationalization, which can support the realization of the vision of Unud to become a world-class university. (bmp)