FH UNUD Delegation Participates in the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Jamboree in 2023

Author: Cinthya Puspita | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Bogor, FLUNUD.ac.id - The Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Jamboree was held for 4 days from November 6-9, 2023 at Pondok Kapilih Resort and Camp, Pancawati, Bogor Regency. The activity began with remarks from the Chairman of the Committee, Untung Maha Gunadi, S.H., M.Si. (Head of the Bureau of Recruitment, Advocacy and Capacity Building of Judges), followed by remarks from Binziad Kadafi, S.H., L.LM., Ph.D. (Commissioner of the Indonesian Judicial Commission / Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law and R & D), keynote speech by Prof. Amzulian Rifai, S.H., L.LM., Ph.D. (Chairman of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia) who also opened the Jamboree activities. The activity was attended by 9 universities in Indonesia (UNUD, UNSRI, UNMUL, UIN, STH JANTERA, UNSRAM, UII, UNHAS and UNAD). 

This activity is a collaboration between the Indonesian Judicial Commission and the 9 Law Faculties mentioned earlier. At this Jamboree FH UNUD sent 10 delegates consisting of 7 students and 3 mentors. In this activity the Delegation participated in 5 types of competitions (Debate, Paper, Oration, PMKH and Quiz), while the Mentor participated in the session. FH UNUD won 2nd place for the most disciplined delegation. The activity went smoothly until the end.