Cancer Care Student Community Basic Training

Cancer Care Student Community Basic Training


The Cancer Care Student Community (Kompak) Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held the opening and first day of basic training (Latsar) with the theme "Ignite the Flame of Hope: Empowering Warriors Against Cancer". (Sunday, November 12, 2023)


This theme reflects Kompak's spirit to ignite the flame of hope in the face of cancer, providing inspiration and support to those affected by the disease. In addition, this theme was chosen to emphasize Kompak's role as warriors fighting cancer, able to empower themselves and others to face this challenge.


The first day of the basic training invited two expert speakers namely:

1. Dr. Ni. G. A. A. Manik Yuniawaty Wetan, Sp. B (K) Onk, who gave material on Introduction to Cancer as a Disease.

2. dr. Hendry Irawan, M.Biomed, Sp.B, Subsp. Onk.(K), who discussed Cancer Causal Factors and Prevention.


Not only serious material, but also the spirit of togetherness was felt through the performance of creative yells from several student groups and the showing of animated videos that raise cancer issues during the Isbama session.


This activity not only provides insight into cancer, but also builds solidarity and a spirit of change among Kompak members. 




