Prof. Maria Pilar Vinardell visited as a Visiting Professor and also gave a public lecture at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

In the series of welcoming the 40th Veterinary Medicine Family Agency and the 26th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udyana University (Unud), public lectures and 'visiting professor' activities were held on Tuesday, October 10 2023 at FVM Unud Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus with resource person Prof. Maria Pilar Vinardell from the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. The topic of the public lecture presented was "Alternatives to Animal Experiments and the 3Rs Principle". This event was attended by around fifty FVM Unud students from various semesters and they seemed enthusiastic about the presentation delivered by the resource persons at that time. Several students asked various questions about considerations, comparisons, and the advantages and disadvantages of using various alternatives without the direct use of experimental animals in an experiment, experiment or study.





After the public lecture was held, lunch with discussions was held in a separate room which also discussed opportunities for collaboration between the two institutions, especially regarding research opportunities for substitutes for experimental animals in relation to veterinary science. Prof. Maria Pilar felt happy to be able to visit Udayana University for the first time while giving a public lecture to local students and being able to discuss directly regarding opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.