Increasing Student Legislative Knowledge, FVM Unud held a Legislation Workshop

Workshop Legislatif is an annual event organized by the Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. This year Workshop Legislatif was held open to preclinical veterinary students throughout Indonesia with the theme "Optimizing the role of students in becoming legislators with visionary views and capabilities". This event was held online through Cisco Webex Meeting, with resource person Mr. Ahmad Fuad Rahman, SE., MM who is a member of the Malang City DPRD.



The event was opened by Master of Ceremony, Amira Inas Wibowo at 09.10 WITA, followed by reading prayers, followed by singing the song Indonesia Raya, then ending with remarks by the chairman of the committee, namely Akilah Balkis, then Dewa Akbar Maulana as general chairman of the DPM FKH Unud, finally remarks by the dean of FKH Unud namely Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si hopes that this event can become a discussion forum for veterinary students throughout Indonesia.


The core of the event began with a material presentation session by the resource person. This session lasted for 60 minutes, moderated by Ni Nyoman Yesi Ariani Parastuti, then continued with a question and answer session. In this session, several participants were active in asking, one of the interesting questions. “How can students build strong political networks as a first step in their political careers? ", asked one of the participants on behalf of Audriel Lydia Hosana Nainggolan. "Building a strong political network as a student is an important step in starting a future political career with several steps that can help, namely participating in discussions and debates, attending political conferences and seminars, and taking political training and education. "However, you must remember, building political networks requires time and patience, therefore it is best for students to remain active, involved and dedicated to expanding student networks," answered the resource person.




After that, the event continued with sessions Focused Group Discussion which is divided into 2 sessions, namely a discussion session and a presentation session. In this session, participants are divided into 10 groups who will discuss the 5 topics provided in breakout room each. Then each group was asked to present the results of their discussion.


Towards the closing, after the presentation was finished the winning group was announced Focused Group Discussion along with the scores obtained by the moderator. After handing over the certificate, it was continued with filling in the second attendance, and ending with documentation, and the event was closed by Master of Ceremony.