Inauguration of Gunaksa Village Youth Digital Cadres: Steps towards a Smart Digital Village

An atmosphere full of enthusiasm and hope filled the Hall of SMU Negeri 1 Dawan, Gunaksa Village on Monday, September 25 2023. The special activity that day was the inauguration of the Gunaksa Village youth digital cadre, an important step in realizing a digital and smart Gunaksa Village. The event was attended by various important parties, including representatives from Udayana University and the local community.



Mr. Head of Gunaksa Village, I Wayan Sardiana, SH, who on this occasion was represented by Mr. Gunaksa Village Secretary, I Wayan Sudarsa, led the inauguration with great enthusiasm. This activity is a follow-up to the digitalization efforts of Gunaksa Village, which have become a priority in efforts to develop a more sophisticated and connected community.


In this historic event, there were also representatives from the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau, UPKP University, Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, digital ambassadors for Klungkung Regency, KBD Banjar Bandung, as well as representatives from various banjars such as Nyamping, Tengah, Banung, Kebon, Patus, and Buayang . Not only that, the presence of the Village Head, the Udayana University Engineering Student Association, the School Principal, and several teachers from Dawan 1 State High School also enlivened the event.



Supervisor, Dr. Ir. Wayan Nata Septiadi, ST., MT conveyed that this youth digital cadre was formed by the Village to help provide education, mentoring and socialize the concept of digitalization and smart villages in Gunaksa Village. Teenage digital cadres are high school teenagers who come from Gunaksa village, totaling 14 people and are representatives of 7 Banjars in Gunaksa Village.



The main task of teenage digital cadres is to contribute to the development of Digital Villages and Gunaksa Smart Villages. They will also play an active role in socializing and assisting the community in using the "SIGUNA" application, an initiative that aims to provide digital access and services to all residents of Gunaksa Village.


The inauguration of this youth digital cadre is a historic milestone in the journey towards a more modern and connected Gunaksa Village. All parties present hoped that the young generation of Gunaksa Village would become pioneers of positive change in facing the increasingly developing digital era.