Excellent Accreditation, FMIPA UNUD Master of Chemistry received appreciation from the Chancellor at the 61st Anniversary Celebration

Friday, September 29 2023, at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Udayana University held an academic ceremony for the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University. The academic ceremony, which is part of a series of events for the 61st anniversary, has the theme "Building Synergy to Create Achievement". This theme was deliberately raised because Udayana University is moving towards superior internationalization and global achievement. This theme itself means that togetherness needs to continue to be strengthened and synergy must be built between the Udayana University academic community, including leadership, academic staff, educational staff, educational laboratory staff and students in order to increase human resource competence, creating a superior Udayana University with global achievements.

In his report, the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.IPU. conveyed the policy direction of Udayana University to create a quality and integrated educational ecosystem in 2021-2025. To realize this quality and integrated educational ecosystem in the academic field, it begins with the introduction of several programs to support internationalization at the study program, faculty, unit and institution level. In 2023, there will be 4 IABEE International accreditation study programs, namely: Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering, and Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, 1 ABEST 21 International accreditation study program, namely: Master's Degree in Management, as well as 4 certified study programs. International AUN-QA, namely: Bachelor's Degree in English Literature, Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's Degree in Development Economics, and Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary Medicine. Antara further said that currently there are 14 study programs that are preparing a Self Evaluation Report (SER) for FIBAA International accreditation.

Meanwhile, in national accreditation, in 2023 there will be 10 study programs that will receive Superior accreditation status, namely: Undergraduate Program in AGRIBUSINESS, Undergraduate Study Program in ANIMAL ANIMAL TECHNOLOGY, Undergraduate Study Program in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Masters Study Program in AGRIBUSINESS, Masters Study Program in AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY, Masters Study Program in ANIMAL SCIENCE, Study Program Masters in TOURISM, Masters Study Program in Notary Affairs, Masters Study Program in CHEMISTRY, Masters Study Program in MANAGEMENT. This study program which received superior accreditation status received extraordinary appreciation from the Chancellor of Udayana University in the form of IDR 35,000,000 (thirty-five million rupiah). This Superior accreditation appreciation was handed over symbolically by the chairman of LP3M, Udayana University, Prof. Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D as an institution at Udayana University that protects the quality assurance of education at the university level.

Overall, the number of study programs at Unud from diploma, bachelor's, professional, master's, specialist, specialist-2, and doctoral levels that received superior accreditation or A as of August 2023 was 73 study programs or around 60.3%, accredited Very Good or B totaling 40 study programs or around 33.1%, 5 study programs accredited Good/C, and 3 new study programs.

This International and National Accreditation is in line with the four flagship MBKM carried out by UNUD, which consists of:

  1. Strengthening research innovation and service,
  2. Curriculum strengthening,
  3. Strengthening governance, and
  4. Strengthening cooperation/internationalization.

Udayana realizes that collaboration and synergy between the campus environment is a necessity to accelerate the realization of a comprehensive, quality and integrated education ecosystem. The Quality Education Ecosystem built by Unud is based on the aim of forming human character in it so that it can interact socially with the surrounding environment well. The interaction of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) Education Ecosystem developed at Udayana University based on four excellences will be the main basis for realizing Unud's Vision, "The Realization of Superior, Independent and Cultured Higher Education"

Apart from international accreditation breakthroughs, programs have also been implemented in the academic sector that support PT IKU (Main Higher Education Performance Indicators) and create a quality and integrated educational ecosystem. Among them:

  1. Organizing international lectures through the UISP, GoBali, BIPAS, Tropical Engineering, BIPA, IBSN, UpSkill, Elective Study and Sport and Physiotherapy programs,
  2. Unud Students Outbound to Foreign Universities through the programs: International Credit Transfer (ICT), Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), ACU (Australian Catholic University) and The Twin College Envoys Program (TWINCLE),
  3. International Partnership Meeting & International Education and Culture Festival, Networking Session and Study in UK Expo,
  4. Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka which increases every year and is expected to increase from 4,524 to 5,150 students in 2024,
  5. Teaching Practitioner Program,
  6. Increasing Collaboration between Scholarship Providers and Recipients,
  7. Udayana University International Senior Researcher Fellowship (UNISERF)
  8. Professional Development of Academic Staff Towards a World Class University, International Partnerships Institution-based Research (INSPIRE),
  9. LPPM IPACOE (Institute for Research and Community Service International Partnership Program and Community Engagement),
  10. Faculty/Unit International Service Activities,
  11. INSPORTY (International Student Project For Community),
  12. Research Funding from International Sponsors.

In the non-academic sector, in realizing an Integrated Quality Education Ecosystem, it is necessary to provide support for quality educational infrastructure by integrating locations and supporting infrastructure which have so far been scattered across the Denpasar Campus and Jimbaran Campus. It is hoped that it will have a tremendous impact on the integrity of Unud not only at the national level but will also accelerate the process towards becoming a world-class university.

These non-academic programs are:

  1. Construction of the Unud Hospital on the Jimbaran Hill campus,
  2. Carrying out superior service innovations at Unud Hospital,
  3. Completed 22 construction projects which were completed in 2022 and will be operational for academic activities in 2023, including: construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Medicine, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Law, construction of the Dean's Building for the Faculty of Business Economics, construction of the Dental and Oral Hospital, development of the Udayana University Hospital, construction of the Joint Lecture Room Humanity & Science, renovation of the Maha Widya Saraswati Temple, renovation of the South Library Building, and
  4. Management of UNUD assets in the form of land.

The entire Academic Community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences feels happy and proud to be able to contribute to increasing the number of study programs accredited as Superior at Udayana University. Currently, FMIPA has 5 study programs that are accredited Superior/A, namely

  1. S1 Biology,
  2. S1 Pharmacy,
  3. PS Pharmacist Profession,
  4. Masters in Biology, and
  5. Masters in Chemistry
  6. Meanwhile, 5 other study programs are still accredited Good/B.

To strengthen internationalization, in 2024 FMIPA will implement ASIIN International accreditation for study programs:

  1. Bachelor of Pharmacy,
  2. Bachelor of Biology,
  3. Pharmacist Profession,
  4. Masters in Biology, and
  5. Master of Chemistry.

With strong support from the entire FMIPA and Udayana University academic community, hopefully this target can be realized well.