Became Guest Lectures at The Faculty ff Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Nusa Cendana University, East Nusa Tenggara, The FVM Lecturer Give the Topic of Bali Cattle Performance

Thursday (21 September 2023), two Deputy Deans, Mr. Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, MSi, as Vice Dean for Academic and Curriculum Affairs (VD 1) and Mr. Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira, MSi, as Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Information and Cooperation (VD 3) and two Professors, respectively Mr. Prof. Dr. drh. Tjok Gde Oka Pemayun MS and Mr Prof. Dr. Drh I Made Dwinata, MKes visited the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Nusa Cendana University (FMVM Undana) in order to give a lecture as a guest lecturer at the faculty. His arrival was welcomed and well received by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, FMVM Undana, Drh. Johanes T.R.M.R Simarmata, MSc. and Mr. Head of the Professional Study Program , Dr. drh. Novalino H.G. If MSi.

Located in the courtroom on the second floor of FMVM Undana and attended by 50 students from the Nusa Cendana University Veterinary Professional Program (PPDH Undana) and several FMVM Undana lecturers. The lecture started at 10.00 WIT starting with a presentation about the objectives of the activity delivered by KPS Profesi Dr. Nino. In his speech, Dr. Nino welcomed this activity and thanked him for coming and being a guest lecturer at FFVM Undana. This activity is also in the framework of implementing the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) which has been agreed in 2023. And he hopes that this activity will have a good impact on students, especially PPDH FMVM Undana students.

Material about Bali Cattle Performance was delivered by the resource person, Mr. Prof. Dr. drh. Tjok Gde Oka Putra Pemayun MS, he explained about the performance of Balinese cattle in front of students and the students listened carefully to his presentation. Regarding parasitic diseases in pigs, it was conveyed by the resource person, Mr. Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, MKes. This material is also listened to well by students. Followed by the next resource person, Mr. WD 1, with material regarding Anesthesia in Animals. The final material was delivered by the resource person Mr. WD3 regarding the use of racist drugs in animals. All of this material was delivered in parallel in front of PPDH students and several Undana FMVM lecturers. This was followed by a very interesting discussion session because students enthusiastically asked about several problems according to the material presented by each resource person.



This activity is also to fulfill the three Main Performance Indicators (KPI 3) which is the Dean's KPI target, namely lecturers who teach at tertiary institutions are required to take part in activities outside campus, by becoming guest lecturers giving lectures outside campus. This activity is also a follow-up to the fulfillment of the MOU at Udayana University and the collaboration that has been established between FVM Unud and FMVM Undana has taken place with the agreement of a cooperation agreement which has been signed by both parties. Of course, this collaboration is active and can have good implications for the activities of this guest lecturer.

After running for approximately two hours, the guest lecturer's lecture activity ended with the presentation of certificates to the resource persons, but before closing there was a photo session with the students and resource persons.