Visiting Professor from the University of Tokyo, Japan gave a public lecture at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and conducted initial research on Facioliasis in Bali

Professor Yasunobu Matsumoto, DVM, PhD visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University UNUD), Bali from 19 to 25 September 2023. During this visit, he met the Dean of FVM UNUD, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, MSi and informed us of the purpose of his visit to continue initial studies on Facioliasis in Bali before COVID-19. During this visit, he also took samples of Bali cattle gall bladders that were slaughtered at the Pesanggaran Denpasar Slaughterhouse . Accompanied by several lecturers and students at FVM UNUD, he collected samples of Bali cattle gallbladder organs, opened the organ and observed the presence/absence of Fasciola spp. worms. Evaluation and identification of fasciola worms was carried out at the Biopathology Laboratory, FVM UNUD.


Apart from that, he also gave a public lecture on the topic "Increase of Facioliasis in the Brackish Area in central Vietnam" on Friday, June 22 2023. The public lecture was attended by around 60 people and most of the participants were from master's students and veterinary professional programs along with several lecturers and committee. The event started at 10 am and was opened by the Dean of FVM UNUD. The presentation was delivered for around 1 hour and was followed by a discussion session of around 30 minutes. The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs and certificates to the resource persons and ended with a group photo session.


After that, an internal discussion was held between resource persons, the Dean and several lecturer staff to explore cooperation between the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan and FVM UNUD, especially discussing preparations for making a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) including the obstacles that might arise. may be encountered in the exploration and formation of the MOA between the two parties. The Dean of FVM UNUD hopes that this initiation can continue and that MOA can be realized soon.