PPK ORMAWA Industrial Engineering Student Association Successfully Holds Stage 1 Product Manufacturing and Packaging Training for Salt Farmers in Kusamba Village

PPK ORMAWA Industrial Engineering Student Association successfully held Phase 1 Product Manufacturing and Packaging Training activities on 19-20 August 2023 located in Uyah Kusamba Merta Segara Village, this activity was attended by a number of salt farmers from Kusamba Village and pioneer groups.


This training activity is a concrete step in supporting the development of the salt industry in Kusamba Village, which is known as one of the leading salt producers in Indonesia. The Village gave a very positive response to the PPK ORMAWA initiative of the Industrial Engineering Student Association because it was considered an effective means of developing and disseminating Kusamba salt products to a wider market.



This training event discusses various aspects related to the manufacture and packaging of salt products. Salt farmers teach the latest techniques in processing salt that is more efficient and of higher quality. Apart from that, they are also equipped with knowledge about good and correct packaging processes so that salt products can be more attractive to consumers.


The PPK ORMAWA Industrial Engineering Student Association itself also actively participated in this activity. They were present as an Accompanying Team and MONEV (Monitoring and Evaluation) Team to ensure the smooth running of the training and support the participants throughout the event. This is a real example of the synergy between students and the community in local economic development efforts.


This Stage 1 Product Manufacturing and Packaging Training Activity is clear proof that collaboration between students and the community can produce a positive impact on local economic development. PPK ORMAWA The Industrial Engineering Student Association hopes to continue initiatives like this to support the development of other economic sectors in the Bali region.