Creating a Platform for Innovation and Creativity to Support the Young Generation as

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (BEM FEB Unud) has held the Equilibrium Science Fair (ESF) in 2023. ESF is one of the work programs under the auspices of BEM FEB Unud, which focuses on the academic and scientific fields. The purpose of holding this work program is as a forum and means of education for the younger generation and the community through the holding of academic competitions in order to build critical thinking, problem solving, and the spirit of work to face the demographic bonus in the future. In addition, ESF also aims to provide a means for students throughout Indonesia to prepare themselves for UTBK-SNBT through UTBK-SNBT Akbar Tryout activities, and then the implementation is continued with Open House. The theme of this year's ESF is "Harmonization of Economics and Technologies in the Demographic Dividend Era to Optimize Youth's Role as Agents of Change". This theme was chosen as a form of awareness for students and students towards the demographic bonus period which has a lot of potential for the development of Indonesia in the future.



The series of ESF 2023 activities began with the FEB Open House on April 8–9, 2023, and the UTBK-SNBT Tryout on Saturday, April 15. Then, the event continued with the implementation of competitions on Tuesday (15/08) to Friday (18/08) offline in the BH FEB Unud Building Hall and online through the Cisco Webex Meeting, and the announcement of the race winners as well as the closing of the work program was held on Saturday (19/08) offline in the BH FEB Unud Building Hall and online via YouTube live streaming. This year, ESF organized three branches of competition, namely the Equilibrium Poster Competition (EPC) with 40 participants, the Equilibrium Debate Competition (EDC) followed by 12 teams, and the Equilibrium Scientific Research (ESRC) followed by 14 teams. The ESRC and ECC competitions were held offline, while the EPC competition was held online. Putu Krisnantara, Chairman of the ESF 2023 Committee, revealed that the implementation of ESF activities this year was in a transition period from online to offline. The transition caused the organizing committee to experience more complex difficulties in preparing a series of events held offline. The presence of participants from outside the region also requires the organizing committee to always be alert when handling all participants.

The enthusiasm of the participants could be felt throughout the series of events. In each competition, participants were able to build a fun and exciting atmosphere both in terms of the implementation of the competition and the interaction between participants and judges.



In the implementation of the ESF competition in 2023, there are differences from the previous year, namely the new competition branch in the form of the EDC competition branch. One of the considerations for holding the EDC competition is the impact of this competition on FEB Unud students, especially in the field of debate competitions, which are still minimal in Bali. In addition, EDC is also a forum for KKM Debate to develop its potential in the field of debate. This EDC competition is expected to be a forum for FEB Unud students and from other campuses to practice debate in preparation for national-level debate competitions for students, one of which is the Indonesian Student Debate Competition (KDMI), which is one of the prestigious events held by Puspresnas.



Before continuing with the implementation of the UTBK-SNBT Akbar Tryout, first the "FEB Open House" was held as a forum to introduce Unud, especially study programs, facilities, and organizations within the scope of FEB, to students who are interested in joining the big family of FEB Unud. The FEB Open House ESF was held for two consecutive days on April 8–9, 2023, online through a Cisco Webex meeting. The material presented on the first day was about the introduction of the Global Engagement Program (GEP) with an inspirational speaker from Putu Ari Kammani, who is Jegeg FEB Unud 2022. On the second day, the speaker, Agus Erik Wistika Putra, who is the Outstanding Student of the FEB Unud Undergraduate Programme 2023, presented material about the world of lectures. Furthermore, the UTBK-SNBT Akbar Tryout was held, and the five highest-scoring students were announced. The top five highest score winners are Haliza Nafiah Syakira Arfa with a score of 962, followed by Fayza Ananda Syahda Damanik with a score of 877, Muhammad Aqila Putrawisesa with a score of 846, Michelle Valencia with a score of 813 as the fourth rank, and Arya Raditya Kusuma with a total score of 693.

In this ESF event, there were several teams that won the championship. In the EPC competition, the first rank was achieved by 3XTRAORDINARY (Udayana University), then in second place was achieved by The Cegils (Ciputra University Surabaya), third place was achieved by BES PONGAH (Udayana University), fourth place was achieved by LUARNALAR (Udayana University), fifth place was achieved by Nekatan Team (Udayana University), sixth place was achieved by Burja Team (Udayana University), and Favorite Champion was achieved by AGT Team (Udayana University). In the EDC competition, the first place was won by Pejuang Skripsi (Mahasaraswati University Denpasar), followed by Petir Panjer (National Education University) in second place, Fearless Gurl (Udayana University) in third place, and Dahsyat Team (Udayana University) in fourth place. Then, Best Speaker was achieved by Putu Kresna Cahyadi Putra from the Thesis Fighters team. As for the final results in the ESRC competition, the first place was won by Harapan Menang (Malang State Polytechnic), the second place was won by the Rakoni Team (Udayana University), the third place was won by the ATS Team (Udayana University), and the fourth place was won by Future Thinkers (Ganesha University of Education).

Through the implementation of this competition, ESF is expected to be able to harmonize and elaborate daily economic learning with technological developments so as to produce outputs in the form of various innovations that are beneficial and have an impact on students and society. Putu Krisnantara also revealed that ESF is one of the self-development media packaged in the form of competitions. He also hopes that the competitions organized by ESF can be well utilized by students as a medium to improve their soft and hard skills. In line with Krisnantara's expectations, Anak Agung Bagus Ngurah Nararya Nata, Chairman of BEM FEB Unud, hopes that with this ESF work program, a team will emerge that can be used as a talent pool to advance to further competitions and become a top tier so that they can advance to the Central Ministry competition and add achievements to FEB Unud at the national level. (gdw/rsa/kta)