On the 21st and the 22nd of August 2023, Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Udayana University held the main day of student orientation which is usually called “PKKMB Insan Muda Veteriner 2023”. The themes that were chosen for this orientation is “Building The Character of The Students Towards Mind Maturity to Create Professional, Ethical, and Cultured Young Veterinary Personnel”.The student orientation was held in order to introduce the facility and activity of the faculty to the new students. This year’s student orientation was held on the third floor of Udayana University’s Library Hall and the main building of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty that is located at Jimbaran.


On the first day, August 21’st, the activity started with the new students as participants to fill the attendance form. The attributes of participants were also checked. Not long after that, the participants were led to the main room by the group companion and the other committee.


After entering the room, the activity were led by Raya Ramadhani Adesa Putri as master of ceremony. The agenda started with chanting prayers that were led by Weiva Novwita Putri as the commission on duty. The agenda then continued by singing Indonesia’s independence song, Indonesia Raya, The Hymn of Udayana University, along with the Hymn and mars of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty. Before continued with the activity report by I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as the head of the committee, the event was opened with a performance of a traditional balinese dance called Merak Angelo for about 10 minutes. After the report from the head of the executive committee, the event continued with remarks from the general chairman of PKKMB, drh. I Wayan Sukernayasa, S.KH, M.Si, Head of SEB, Alvin Limanto, and lastly the remarks and the symbolic opening of the event by the stick of Asclepius by Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc. as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.


After the event was officially opened, the participants received information about the Introduction of the Leaders and Academic Advisors for 30 minutes, followed by the presentation of the first material about the Undergraduate Education System of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University from the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sit. The session indluces 60 minutes of material presentation, followed by a 15-minute discussion session. The first material session was closed by handing over a certificate to the speaker.




The second material presentation regarding the Academic System was delivered by Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Si as Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University for 45 minutes moderated by Shakila Putri Lubis. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a 15-minute discussion session and the presentation of


certificates to the speakers. Before moving on to the next speaker's session, all attendees and participants carried out a break time for 30 minutes.


After break time, the event continued with the third material presentation about the practice of using IMISSU (SIMAK) system, filling in KRS, PDDikti data verification, and OASE presentation by Mr. Ariesprabowo Awanda Putra, S.Kom for 45 minutes moderated by Grace Febiola Sinambela, then the session was filled with discussions and presentation of certificates to speakers.



The event continued with the presentation of the fourth material regarding Student Activities which was delivered by Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira M.Si as Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, moderated by Nyoman Oki Tanaya. The material presentation was followed by enthusiasm by new students for 45 minutes, then continued with a 15-minute discussion and closed by handing over a certificate to the speaker.


After delivering quite a lot of material, the last event on the first day was filled with the Nation and State Defense Talk Show in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 which was hosted by Dr. drh. Nyoman Adi Suratma, MP and moderated by Adi Putra Novanolo Waruwu for 45 minutes. The talk show was also followed by a 15-minute discussion session and the awarding of certificates to the speakers. Then the MC closed the first day's event and continued with the disbandment of the participants by Ni Putu Masya Chikita Rivanny as the committee in charge.


The second day of the activity, Tuesday 22 August 2023, began with checking the attributes of the participants and participant attendance by the group assistants and the committee on duty. Furthermore, the event was opened by Ni Made Rani Widya Sari as (MC) master of ceremonies.


The first material was about an introduction to IMAKAHI which was presented by Rizky Salsabila Hariyanto as the Head of the PB (Public Relations) IMAKAHI Department and moderated by Femilia Tri Mahottami. This session was divided into three sessions namely material presentation for 45 minutes, 15 minutes discussion, and Submission of certificates and documentation . It is hoped that all new students will be able to increase their understanding of IMAKAHI and get to know more broadly what IMAKAHI is. Followed by a discussion session and handover of certificates by I Made Raditya Darmayoga as Chair of the Committee and documentation by the committee in charge.


After that the event continued with the second agenda about Environmental Awareness and Healthy Campus (Green Campus) by the Health Service moderated by Grace Febiola Sinambela. This session is also divided into three as before. The presentation of the material is very exciting and certainly useful to increase new students' knowledge about a healthy campus. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a discussion session which was attended enthusiastically by the participants. The presentation of certificates to the speakers was carried out by Dr. Drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Si as Deputy Dean III and documentation by the committee in charge.


The event was then followed by a Campus Tour Preparation and Tree Planting at The Main Building of Veterinary Medicine Faculty. This agenda started with a 5 minute video presented for the participants. After that, the new students walked from the Udayana University Library Hall to The Main Building of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty. This time, the session was divided into 2 sessions, the first one was Campus Tour which started from Clusters 1-6 guided by each group's chaperone. Meanwhile, the second session was Tree Planting Activity, which was started by Clusters 7-12. Each group on each activity was guided by their group assistant. There was also a documentation session for the participants to pose with the class flag guided by the committee on duty. After both sessions were finished, the event continued with the mobilization of the participants from The Main Building Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty to The University Library Hall guided by each group assistants.







After arriving at the Library Hall, the event continued with break time and entertainment for 60 minutes. Then it was continued with a talk show about Psychological Development and Student Character by two speakers namely Dr. Drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, MP and Komang Rahayu Indrawati, S.Psi, M.Si, Psychologists. The talk show was moderated by Ni Putu Premasuari Putri Mahadevi. The presentation of the material this time was very useful for the participants, adding to their knowledge and insight into the psychological and character development of students. The delivery of material from the two speakers was very enjoyable so that new students were excited


to listen to the material provided. In this talk show there was also a discussion session where participants could ask questions regarding the information and material provided. Followed by the presentation of certificates by I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as Chair of the Committee and a documentation session by the committee in charge.


The next talk show was about the Success Story and Sharing from the alumni of the faculty. This talk show was hosted by Drh. I Wayan Yustisia Semarariana, S.KH, M.Si moderated by Ni Luh Putu Ditha Rysdayeni. In the talk show this time, the presentation was very exciting and enjoyable so that the participants were eager to listen and listen to the material. Followed by a discussion session for 15 minutes after which the presentation of certificates by I Made Gede Raditya Darmayoga as Chair of the Committee and documentation by the committee in charge.


The very last agenda was closing and documentation. Veterinary Medicine Faculty’s Student Orientation Activity was officially closed by Prof. Dr. Drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. Followed by documentation of participants and committee.