Increase Bali Cattle Production FVM Lecturer Held Community Service in Bukian Village

In order to carry out the tri dharma of higher education, especially the element of service. This service is part of scientific implementation, especially in the field of veterinary reproduction. This community service activity has the theme of counseling and examining the reproductive health of Bali cattle in Bukian Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency. The implementation of this activity is in synergy with the 27th KKN PPM UNUD in 2023 in Bukian Village. The background for the implementation of this service is due to the many occurrences of repeated mating of Bali cattle in Buian village and other villages.

This activity was divided into two, namely counseling and reproductive health checks for Bali cattle, especially female cattle. Counseling was held on Tuesday 8 August 2023 in the meeting room of the Buian village office, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. The counseling material provided was about reproduction in Bali cattle. The material was provided by the dedication team from the faculty of veterinary medicine, namely Dr.drh. I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Tri Laksana, M.Kes and drh. I wayan sukernayasa, M.Sc. the participants who attended this counseling event were as many as 22 people who were members of 3 livestock groups in Bukian Village.

The breeders were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity, this was indicated by the presence of several questions from the participants. Mr. Made Suweca from a livestock group in Banjar Buian asked about the slow puberty of the Bali cattle he once kept. In addition, other participants also asked the question "why can cows mated by artificial insemination only give birth up to 5 times, while those mated naturally can have up to 10 times?" asked Wayan Subagia, the head of the livestock group in Banjar Subilang, Bukian village. On this occasion Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Trilaksana, M.Kes explained that delayed puberty could be due to various factors, including nutritional factors, body condition score, and also genetics. As for the second question, he explained that artificial insemination did not affect the calving ability of Bali calves. "Artificial insemination has no effect on the ability to calve, the ability to calve is strongly influenced by the mother's own factors, not because of artificial insemination." The lecturer in the field of veterinary reproduction at FVM Udayana emphasized.



On August 25, 2023, inspection and reproductive health services were carried out for Bali cattle in 3 groups of cattle in Bukian Village. In addition to reproductive examinations, health services are also carried out, such as providing food supplements in the form of minerals, spraying flies, and administering vitamins. The number of Bali cattle served is 50 heads consisting of 42 female cows and 8 male cows. Some of these cows are already sires and some are still prospective sires. In this service activity, members of the livestock group are very happy to receive reproductive health inspection services for their livestock.