In an effort to accelerate the handling of Rabies incidents in Bali, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO) in collaboration with the Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine conducted a Rabies Post Vaccination Survey. The activity began with discussions and debriefing on March 26, 2023. The debriefing was attended by 3 FAO representatives, 3 representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali, 2 lecturers and leaders of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and 11 student representatives.



Discussions were held to discuss the methods to be used in survey activities according to the geographical location of the population in Bali. The technique used in this survey is capture by capture, namely counting vaccinated dogs marked with red collars and door to door with a systematic random sampling method by collecting data from 60 houses per village. In addition, a division of student teams was also carried out to carry out the survey, namely 6 teams consisting of 12 representatives of FKH Udayana students. This survey activity was carried out from 28 March to 17 August 2023 which was divided into two activities, namely the Post Vaccination Survey Method Trial Activity which targeted 3 villages and the Survey Activity which targeted 64 villages.




The Survey Method Trial was carried out for 2 days. The first day of the Survey Method Trial Activity targeting Saba Village and Pering Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency began with a briefing from the Survey Team, FAO, Lecturer Assistant, Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Gianyar Regency and Village Officials regarding the implementation of the activity. After the briefing, the survey was continued with capture by capture and door to door techniques. Then the activity ends with an evaluation of the implementation of the survey method trial. The second day of this activity then targeted Bukit Village, Karangasem District, Karangasem Regency.


After the Survey Method Trial activity, it will be continued with survey activities which will be carried out by 6 Student TEAMs in coordination with the Agriculture and Food Security Service of the Province of Bali and Village Officials as field assistants who will target 64 Villages including 1 Village in Badung Regency, 10 Villages in Bangli Regency, 2 Villages in Buleleng Regency, 2 Villages in Denpasar City, 4 Villages in Gianyar Regency, 5 Villages in Jembrana Regency, 21 Villages in Karangasem Regency, 5 Villages in Klungkung Regency, and 14 Villages in Tabanan Regency.


From the post-vaccination rabies survey activities there were several obstacles, namely the capture-re-capture technique was less effective because many dogs had been vaccinated but did not wear red collars due to several factors such as being separated due to fights between dogs and not attached by the dog owner because the dog was not can be handled. In addition, there are several other obstacles to the door-to-door technique, such as the absence of homeowners, the geographical location of the residents' houses which are scattered, and several hamlets that cannot be surveyed due to traditional ceremonies.