Ready to Open the Veterinary Science Doctoral Program, FVM Udayana University Receives Field Visits from LAM-PTKES and the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Education and Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and

In today's tight developments in science and technology, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Udayana University has made a breakthrough in building a Doctor of Veterinary Science study program. With the establishment of this study program, it is hoped that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, will have an important role in producing veterinary graduates, medical educators and researchers in the field of national animal health. Through this Doctor of Veterinary Science study program, it is hoped that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, can expand access to alumni relations and work networks. Based on this desire to progress, on Thursday, August 31 2023, a field evaluation was carried out in the framework of the proposed implementation of the Veterinary Science Doctoral Study Program. The visitation organizing committee was chaired by Dr. drh. I Gede Soma, M.Kes with 39 teaching and educational staff as members.


The field visit event was held in the Lecture Room on the 1st Floor of the Sudirman Campus Building, which was opened directly by the Deputy Chancellor for the collaboration at 08.30 WITA. This visitation was attended by Mr/Mrs field assessors, Mr/Mrs from LL Dikti region 8, Mr Institutional Directorate, and prospective lecturers in the veterinary science study program FVM UNUD. The field assessors assigned to this field visit include: Prof. drh. Tutik Wresdiyati, Ph.D., PAVet; Prof. Rizky Abdulah, S.Sc., Apt., Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Ir. Lily Warly, M.Agr., and Mr/Mrs from the Institutional Directorate Team of the Director General of Education and Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture.



After the opening by the vice chancellor for cooperation and remarks from representatives of the head of LL Dikti region 8 and the Institutional Director, the visitation activity continued with a brief presentation regarding Prof. Dr. drh. I Ketut Berata, M.Si as candidate for head of the veterinary science doctoral study program FVM UNUD. In his presentation, Prof. Berata introduced the plan for the FVM UNUD study program which emphasizes veterinary epidemiology in the preparation of its curriculum. Followed by questions, suggestions and input from the assessors regarding the proposals presented. Before taking a break and having lunch, Mr/Mrs assessor went around the FVM UNUD building to see the infrastructure supporting the learning process at FVM UNUD and ended with a visit by Mr/Mrs assessor to the Veterinary Immunology Laboratory which is one of the advanced supporting laboratories owned by FVM UNUD.



This field visitation event ended with a closing visitation from the assessors and thanks from the deputy dean for academic affairs and planning and the dean of FVM UNUD. At the end of the visit, Prof. Tutik to the Dean of FVM UNUD.