Carry out Digital Cadre Assistance, PPK Ormawa Mechanical Student Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University improve the quality of population services in Gunaksa Village

The Implementation Team for Strengthening the Student Organizational Capacity Program of the Udayana University Mechanical Student Association (PPK ORMAWA HMM UNUD) has provided digital cadre assistance related to community service in Gunaksa Village, Dawan District, Klungkung Regency, on Sunday (20/8). This activity was attended by the Head of Gunaksa Village, Supervising Lecturer of the PPK Ormawa HMM UNUD Implementation Team, Village Secretary, Gunaksa Village Digital Cadres, KBD, and village officials.


"We hope that Gunaksa Village can become a pilot project that can initiate villages in Klungkung Regency to apply the concept of digitization in community service. "We really support this program," said I Wayan Sadiarna, as Head of Gunaksa Village.



In this activity students convey the stages and mechanisms of digital services as well as the stages designed to carry out population services in Gunakasa Village digitally. In this assistance, the Gunakasa village headman and digital cadres jointly examine the digital services that have been developed, so that they will produce digital services that can help improve the quality and efficiency of Gunaksa community services. In the mentoring activity there was a discussion in which a lot of input was submitted by the village regarding the flow of services and the stages and provisions for the terms of service requested to be poured into the digital system. In this activity the supervisor was also present who also said that this assistance could be carried out again several times to study the digital service system being developed.


Public enthusiasm for this program is very high. It can be seen during the discussion session, where the participants who were present actively asked about available service features, mail flow, and also provided a lot of input to the Ormawa PPK Implementation Team regarding how the service system currently exists in Gunaksa Village and how it is synchronized in the PPK Implementation Team program Ormawa.