Diah Kemaladewi, an Inspirational Student with Achievements at the National Science & Social Olympiad 2023

Denpasar, Press Bureau of BEM FEB Unud: Ni Wayan Diah Kemaladewi, a student of the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Class of 2022, won a national-level achievement in second place in the National Science and Social Olympiad 2023, held from June 30 to July 2, 2023. This competition was held online with very complicated question material. In addition, the assessment of the competition is also not only based on the correctness of the answer but also on the time spent solving the problem. Thanks to her persistence, hard work, and effort, Diah Kemaladewi was able to compete with 174 people from 114 universities.


Academic achievement is often a tangible manifestation of a student's effort and dedication to continue to hone and test their abilities. This is the extraordinary journey that Diah Kemaladewi went through when facing academic competition. For her, this competition is a way to gain deeper knowledge about national science olympiads. She feels lucky to have been given the opportunity to test her academic understanding and insight. However, the road to victory was not always smooth. Based on an online interview, Diah Kemaladewi shared the major challenges she faced during this competition. The online competition with questions that could not be underestimated was a test of her abilities. In addition, limited time was also one of the determining factors in the assessment. Then, Diah Kemaladewi also revealed technical problems that sometimes disrupted her focus, such as problems with the link to access the competition questions.



All obstacles and challenges were overcome by Diah Kemaladewi by always emphasizing the importance of maintaining composure and avoiding panic in the face of obstacles, and in limited time conditions, she also optimized the time available as one of her key strategies. This is a valuable lesson that applies not only in the scope of competition but also to facing challenges in everyday life.


At the end of the interview, Diah Kemaladewi gave an inspiring message for FEB Unud students and other students at Unud, especially those who want to engage in similar competitions. According to her, this kind of competition is a valuable opportunity to hone the understanding of the academic material that has been learned. He also encouraged each individual to strive wholeheartedly and be fully committed to achieving their goals. As someone who has experienced this long journey and process, Diah Kemaladewi expressed her message and hopes to FEB Unud students. She hopes that they will never hesitate to pursue their dreams and goals with all their efforts. With strong enthusiasm and determination, Diah Kemaladewi proves that every effort will never be in vain, and her message is for everyone to continue to be enthusiastic for anyone who wants to achieve success and not give up easily. (lvn)