The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) activities on 22 - 23 August 2023 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium at Udayana University and the Bukit Jimbaran Engineering Campus. This activity was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana which was marked by striking the gong, Tuesday (22/08/23). By carrying out the theme "Together Making the Faculty of Engineering Superior, Independent, and Cultured" it is hoped that in welcoming the industrial revolution 4.0 students will not only be superior and independent but must be cultured because being cultured cannot be separated from the cultural values that characterize the Island of the Gods. This year's PKKMB was attended by a total of 1,054 students consisting of 989 new students from class of 2023 and 65 old students who had not attended PKKMB in the previous year from 7 undergraduate study programs within the Faculty of Engineering.



I Gede Andy Andika Parahita, S.Si., M.T. as Chair of the 2023 Faculty of Engineering PKKMB explained that there was a difference between the implementation of this year's PKKMB and the previous year. In the previous year the implementation of the first day of PKKMB was fully held by the Faculty while the second day was fully held by the students. Meanwhile, the implementation of PKKMB this year combined all committees on both days, both from the Faculty committee (lecturers and students) and the student committee. This slick collaboration was able to give birth to an extraordinary introduction and welcome activity for all new students class of 2023.



The PKKMB Faculty of Engineering activities which were carried out for 2 days presented various activities that were very useful for new students to get to know and prepare for the studies they would take for the next 4 years. The series of PKKMB events on the first day consisted of an introduction to the leaders in the Faculty of Engineering and giving lectures in the form of panel discussions which became the subject matter as well as a trigger for students. There were 6 topics of lectures delivered, namely general lectures, academic lectures, administration and infrastructure lectures and student lectures delivered by the Dean and the Deputy Deans. Something new this year and also not being done much in other faculties is holding lectures on occupational health and environmental safety (K3L) because the Faculty of Engineering is expected to be a reference in this matter. Furthermore, there was also an introduction to IISMA as one of the MBKM programs with increasing interest throughout the implementation batch as well as the introduction of a healthy campus screening for Tuberculosis. After the lecture is over, each student will be handed over to their respective study programs to be invited to learn more about the curriculum and KRS. On the second day, participants will be invited to get to know more closely about student organizations in the Faculty of Engineering, starting from associations to study groups and given training regarding character building and also writing the Student Creativity Program (PKM). And the second day's activities will be closed with a tour of the laboratory in the Jimbaran Engineering Faculty Area.



Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Prof.Ir. Linawati, M.Eng., Sc. Ph. D. hope that in implementing this PKKMB there will be no bullying and harassment activities but instead it can be a place for exploration in preparing everything before facing the learning process later. "Let's embrace everyone so that we can become a harmonious family and be able to complete their respective duties and responsibilities in a timely manner," he said. The hope is that through organizing this PKKMB it can become a means to facilitate Engineering Faculty students to be better prepared to take advantage of the various opportunities that exist for success in learning and to be able to actively participate in supporting KPI (Main Performance Indicators), one of which is through the MBKM program," said Andika Parahita when interviewed. (22/08/23).