Medical Entrepreneurship Workshop 2023

Medical Entrepreneurship Workshop 2023


The Business Unit of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine together with the Department of Production, Funding and Business of the Student Executive Board of the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine held a Medical Entrepreneurship Workshop and Coaching with the theme "Get Ready to Be A Health Entrepreneurship and Innovator" (19/08/2023)

This workshop invited two entrepreneurs and coaches who are experienced in mentoring millennial generation entrepreneurship. The first topic entitled "Student Entrepreneurship for Advanced Indonesia" was presented by Dr. Wisnu Sakti Dewobroto and the second topic was brought by Dr. Sagung Chandra Yowani, S.Sc., M.Sc., Apt. entitled "Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset".

The Medical Entrepreneurship Workshop was held in Lecture Room 3.01 West Building, FK Unud. This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya Sp.OT (K) and accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH, Ph.D.

This activity is an effort to assist in the development and preparation of student entrepreneurship funding proposals, involving students accompanied by supervisors and lecturers in charge of entrepreneurship for undergraduate study programs.

This activity also involved members of the BEM entrepreneurship sector, student associations within the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University. This workshop activity is expected to inspire and motivate Unud FK students to examine issues related to their scientific fields and be open to preparing collaborations with other fields to create more benefits for users.