Judicium of the High Wall Study Program Undergraduate Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

Judicium of the High Wall Study Program Undergraduate Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University


The Bachelor of Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is holding a 2021 Student High Wall Judisium which is located in the Meeting Room dr. A.A Made Djelantik.(24/8/2023)

The event began with a report by the person in charge of education for the Medical Bachelor Study Program, dr. I Gde Haryo Ganesha, S.Ked., M.Biomed., who reported that the high wall graduation participants for the August 2023 period totaled 251 people whose graduation was divided into three categories namely pure pass, conditional pass and did not pass, followed by reading of the best graduates by the Coordinator Bachelor of Medicine Study Program dr. I Wayan Sumardika, S.Ked., M.Med., Ph.D., as many as 13 people, namely:

1. Ni Made Ersi Dwitami Barsua

2. Yovilia Tio Yunus

3. Christine Edgar

4. I Gusti Ayu Maha Deivy Darmadi

5. Ni Kadek Mei Permatasari

6. Stanislaus Clifton Wangsadinata

7. Natania Faustine Santoso

8. Ni Wayan Diah Desylia Widyasari

9. Mario Valentino Anggarkusuma

10.Danissa Putri Dita

11. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Krisna Widiantara Bagus Putra

12. Zephania Ekklesia

13. Stella Angeline Isbianto

The event continued with remarks by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K), who congratulated 99% of students from class 2021, has crossed a high wall. That is a very extraordinary achievement.

"The hope is that all students can complete 7 years of undergraduate education and 3 years of professional education, and prepare themselves to compete in the world of health, both nationally and internationally," said Dr. Eka.

The high wall Yudisium ended with congratulating the thirteen best graduates and taking a group photo.