Welcoming New Students, FTP Unud Holds Faculty PKKMB

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology welcomed 212 new students with the title Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKM) on August 21-22 2023. This activity was attended by all new students of the Udayana University Faculty of Agricultural Technology consisting of 3 Study Programs, namely the Food Technology Study Program, Agroindustrial Technology and Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems.

This activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Deputy Deans I, II and III, All Unit Coordinators and Study Program Coordinators in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, all Lecturers and Employees in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and all Student Organizations at FTP Unud. The activity began with the opening of the PKKMB activity by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D.,. which at the same time provides material related to the history and development of FTP, introduction of leaders and study programs. In addition, several materials were also given such as the Faculty Academic System, Explanation of KRS Filling and PDDIKTI Filling by Deputy Dean I, Financial Administration System Material by Deputy Dean II and Material related to PKM, SKP and National Insights and the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) by Deputy Dean III. In addition, an introduction was also made to all lecturers and education staff in the FTP Unud environment.

On the second day, several material activities were carried out, such as life as a student, transitional age crisis period / facing a quarter life of crisis, campus tour, introduction to all student organizations in the Udayana University FTP environment and planting trees around the campus.


Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., welcomed all new students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and hoped that all the young generations of FTP Unud could become good seeds for the development of FTP Unud, he also hoped that by adding Active students at FTP Unud can improve the quality of students, especially in Student Achievement both academic and non-academic.