Doctor of Medical Sciences Assesses the Anti-Aging Potential of the Bali Cendrawasih Dance

Doctor of Medical Sciences Assesses the Anti-Aging Potential of the Bali Cendrawasih Dance

Located in Prof. Meeting Room. dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Faculty of Medicine Unud Building, Denpasar, a Doctoral Promotion exam has taken place with the promovenda candidate, dr. I Dewa Ayu Inten Dwi Primayanti, M.Biomed with the dissertation title "Balinese Cendrawasih Dance Reduces Body Fat Percentage Through Increasing Levels of SIRT-1, IGF-1 Hormone and Serum Estrogen in Sedentary Women with Excess Body Weight." (23/8/2023)

The Bali Cendrawasih dance, in addition to having aesthetic aspects of the art of movement, is able to increase the pulse rate equivalent to doing moderate intensity physical activity. Aging is closely related to a decrease in the hormones estrogen and GH, as well as levels of the enzyme sirtuin. The aim of this research in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine is to find out training in the Bali Cendrawasih Dance as an alternative to moderate intensity physical activity in reducing the percentage of body fat by increasing SIRT-1, IGF-1 and estrogen in sedentary women with excess body weight. so that the risk of degenerative diseases and complaints related to aging can be avoided.

This research is an experimental study using a randomized pretest posttest control group design to be conducted in 2023. The study involved 24 sedentary women aged 35-45 years, who were divided into 2 groups (control and treatment Dancing the Bali Cendrawasih Dance). Training for 12 weeks, 3 times a week, duration 40 minutes/exercise. Before and after measuring the percentage of body fat using BIA while levels of estrogen, SIRT-1 and serum IGF1 using the Elisa method. Data analysis used the T-Independent test to compare the effect of treatment between groups, and T-paired to differentiate the mean before and after treatment. The conclusion is that the Bali Cendrawasih Dance can reduce the percentage of body fat by increasing SIRT-1, IGF-1 hormone and estrogen in sedentary women with excess body weight.

The novelty of research in the field of Anti Aging Medicine related to physical and hormonal exercise, no one has studied Balinese Dance as an alternative to moderate intensity physical activity in relation to hormones, especially estrogen, and IGF-1 and SIRT1 enzymes. Therefore, a study was carried out entitled Dancing the Bali Cendrawasih Dance to Reduce Body Fat Percentage Through Mechanisms of Increasing Sirt1, Estrogen and IGF1 Serum Levels in sedentary women in women of transitional age with excess body weight.

The novelty of this research is the development of the theoretical concept of the effect of dancing the Bali Cendrawasih dance in reducing body fat percentage through increasing SIRT1 levels, IGF-1 hormone levels and serum estrogen in a population of sedentary women of transitional age with overweight. This study also discusses dance activities (Balinese Cendrawasih Dance) as an alternative to physical exercise and the mechanism of lipolysis which is triggered by increased hormones (estrogen and IGF-1) and the SIRT1 enzyme.

The exam was led by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K)., with a team of examiners:

1. Dr. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And-KSAAM. (Promoter)

2. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Bakta, Sp.PD-KHOM (Co-promoter I)

3.Dr. dr. Susy Purnawati, M.KK (Co-promoter II)

4. dr. I Gusti Made Aman, Sp.FK

5. Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Jawi, M. Kes

6. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes

7. Dr. dr. I Wayan Putu Sutirta Yasa, M.Si

8.Dr. dr. Bagus Komang Satriyasa, M. Repro

9.Dr. dr. Ni Putu Sriwidyani, Sp.PA(K)

10.Dr. dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, S.Ked., M.Kes

While academic invitations are:

1.Dr. dr. Ni Made Linawati, M.Sc

2.Dr. dr. I Gusti Ayu Widianti, M. Biomed

3.Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes

4. dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, S.Ked.,Ph.D

5. dr. Agus Eka Darwinata, S.Ked., Ph.D

In this exam, Dr. dr. I Dewa Ayu Inten Dwi Primayanti, M.Biomed was declared a graduate as the 396th Doctor Graduate of the Doctoral Degree Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University with the title of Very Satisfying.