Collaboration of Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University with LIFE Japan, and the Pedawa Village Community in the Provision of Clean Water in Pedawa Village, Buleleng received an award from the Japanese Gov

On July 27 2023, taking place in room B1.1 at the Sudirman Campus, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University was lively with a special visit from Live with Friends on the Earth (LIFE) Japan represented by Mitsuha Abe. The collaboration that has existed since 2020 between LIFE Japan and the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana in a joint effort to provide access to clean water for the people of Pedawa Village, has made a brilliant achievement, namely receiving a special award from the Japanese Government.


This award certificate was obtained from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, namely as "The Best International Water Project in The 25th Japan Water Prize" in the category of efforts to provide solutions to issues related to clean water.


The project in Pedawa village started as a LIFE Japan initiative to help people in the local village who have not been able to enjoy clean water because it is located in a high and remote place. Furthermore, this activity is called the "Yeh Sudamala Project" which in technical implementation in the field collaborates with the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. This activity uses funds from the Japanese government.



Apart from lecturers, this activity also involved many students. Environmental Engineering Study Program students immediately went into the field and had the opportunity to be involved in evaluating the existing conditions of water distribution in Pedawa Village, identifying leaks that occurred, calculating water discharge at the Galunggang water source, and also conducting surveys for the placement of new pipes. Meanwhile, one of the Civil Engineering students successfully completed his Final Assignment from this community service activity.


This activity in Pedawa Village then opened up new opportunities for the Faculty of Engineering of Udayana University to continue the service by developing appropriate technology that focuses on managing water resources. Currently, through financial support from the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Udayana University, the Udayana University Faculty of Engineering team consisting of Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering Study Programs is continuing this activity by procuring hydram pumps especially for the community in Bangkiang Sidem hamlet, village pedawa.


The successful collaboration between LIFE Japan, the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana, and the Pedawa Village Community marks recognition of the University's important role in global efforts to increase access to clean water for people in need. Not stopping at the clean water project, the collaboration of the Faculty of Engineering at Udayana University has also continued for sustainable waste management in the region. Committed to creating a clean and healthy environment, they are looking for innovative solutions to manage waste more effectively.


The collaboration between LIFE Japan and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University is a clear example of how initiatives and collaborations can bring positive changes in improving people's quality of life. With the support from the Japanese government, there are more opportunities and hopes for the people in Pedawa Village to have sustainable access to clean water and a better environment.