Udayana FVM Lecturer and Payangan Animal Health Center Give Rabies Counseling In Bukian Village, Gianyar Regency

In carrying out the XXVII UNUD PPM KKN activities in 2023 in Bukian Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency. UNUD KKN students in Bukian Village held an outreach activity about the dangers of rabies called CETIK RABIES. Observe and Increase Awareness of the Danger of Rabies. This rabies counseling activity was attended by representatives of youth from Bukian village who are members of the junior high school in each banjar in Bukian village. Counseling was held on Sunday July 23 2023 at the Bukian Village.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine drh. I Wayan Sukernauasa, S.KH., M.Si and drh. I Made Satria Marthadi Parantapa, S.KH from the Puskeswan (Animal Health Center) Payangan Gianyar was invited to provide this rabies counseling. Drh. I wayan Sukernayasa, S.KH., M.Si gave presentation on rabies education materials which focused more on the dangers of rabies, ways of transmission, signs of rabies, and prevention of rabies in both animals and humans. Meanwhile, Dr. I Made satria Marthadi Parantapa, S.KH mostly gave responses to the questioners during the discussion session. The event was attended by 20 participants and was very interesting.



A questioner named Komang Gentawan asked about the role of the younger generation in dealing with rabies. This question was answered by the presenters that one of the important things that the younger generation can do is to participate in disseminating information about the dangers and prevention of rabies, being active in reporting rabies events and being active in preventing rabies both in carrying out regular vaccinations for rabies-carrying animals (RCA). ) as well as in preventing the entry and exit of RCA in its territory. drh. I Made satria Marthadi Parantapa, S.KH also stated that Bukian village is a red zone for rabies cases and this year there was an incident of a dog experiencing rabies, so more vigilance is needed against rabies in the village. "In July 2023 there was a case of rabies in Tiyingan hamlet, Bukian Village. "Clearly the veterinarian came from Lebah A hamlet, Bukian Village.




At the end of the event the committee thanked the presenters and also the participants who were present at this activity considering that rabies counseling is very important because Buian village is in the red zone for rabies. At the end of the activity was carried out with the presentation of award certificates as presenters as well as a group photo event with the participants who attended.