Anatomical Pathology Specialist Study Program Increases the Role of Midwives in Pap Smear Education and Examination

Anatomical Pathology Specialist Study Program Increases the Role of Midwives in Pap Smear Education and Examination

The Department and Study Program of Anatomical Pathology Specialist, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, organizes community service in the form of training of trainers regarding "Competence Strengthening and the Role of Midwives in Nusa Penida in Papsmear Education and Examination". Taking place at the Nusa Penida-I Health Center, Nusa Penida sub-district, Klungkung regency-Bali on July 21 2023, this activity involved 10 midwives who were trained as trainers to later train all midwives throughout Nusa Penida. In addition to midwives, there were 30 people from the community who attended with great enthusiasm participating in cervical cancer counseling and Pap smear examinations at the Puskesmas, and later 70 more women will receive the same service through midwives who have been trained at their respective Pustu.

It is hoped that through this activity, Nusa Penida can independently carry out pap smear sampling, and the public's knowledge and awareness about cervical cancer can increase and be better. The event began with remarks by the Udayana Service Program Coordinator, Dr. dr. Ni Wayan Winarti, Sp.PA, Subsp.U.R.L (K), followed by remarks from dr. I Ketut Apriantara as the Head of the Nusa Penida-I Health Center who also officially opened the event.

On this occasion, the training topics were presented by 3 speakers, namely:

1. The Coordinator of the Udayana Faculty of Medicine Pathology Specialist Study Program, Dr. dr.Ni Putu Sriwidyani, Sp.PA, Subsp.S.M(K), with the topic "Cervical cancer and its prevention"

2. dr.Ni Putu Ekawati M.Repro, Sp.PA, with the topic "Sampling techniques, fixation and procedures for sending Pap smear samples correctly",

3. Dr. Luh Putu Iin Indrayani Maker, Sp.PA, Subsp.S.P(K)., with the title "Interpretation of Pap smear results and patient follow-up"

This activity was also attended by the Head of the Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. I Wayan Juli Sumadi, Sp.PA, Subsp.MS (K)., Prof. Dr. dr. I.G.A Sri Mahendra Dewi, Sp.PA, Subsp.O.G.P(K)., and involved KKN students in Batununggul Village, Nusa Penida. It is hoped that through this activity the public's knowledge and concern about cervical cancer can get even better.