MBKM Bina Desa Team of FH UNUD Students Organizes Entrepreneurship Seminar in Kuwum Village

Author: Akbar Ramadhan | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Tabanan, FLUNUD.ac.id - The MBKM Bina Desa Team of FH UNUD students accompanied by the Vice Dean III of FH UNUD, Dr. I Made Sarjana, S.H., M.H. has held an Entrepreneurship Seminar with the theme "Effective Strategies in Developing Business and Reaching Customers in the Digital Age" on Saturday (07/15/2023) at the Multipurpose Hall of Kuwum Ancak Traditional Village, Marga, Tabanan, Bali. The seminar was attended by the Village Head and village officials, Balinese snack MSME players, STT representatives, SMAN 1 Marga student council. also attended this activity Udayana University BKM and MBKM Team. 

The Head of Kuwum Village, I Putu Yoga Andika, S.T. in his speech said "that this seminar program is one of the good steps taken in the village to open the development of MSMEs, especially Balinese jaje, so that later the relationship between UNUD and Kuwum Village will remain. We (in this case the village community represented by the Village Head) hope to record and mobilize more MSMEs under the guidance of the speakers presented today."

The speakers presented: Dr. I Gst. A. Kt. Gd. Suasana, S.E., M.M. (Lecturer in Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNUD) and Dr. drh. Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, M. Biomed. (as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNUD as well as the Head of the UNUD Business Incubator) and guided by moderator Felicia Stefanie from the students of MBKM Bina Desa Kuwum Implementation Team. 

The material of Digital Marketing and MSME Business Development was welcomed with enthusiasm, especially by the student council of SMA N 1 Marga, as seen from the enthusiasm to ask questions to the two speakers presented. Thus, the implementation team of MBKM Bina Desa Kuwum really hopes that through this seminar marketing innovations will emerge in accordance with the products produced, culinary development innovations for MSMEs, and the movement of young people with the spirit of work to advance MSMEs, especially in Kuwum Village.