Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Participates in the Ante Mortem Post Mortem Sacrifice Examination with the Denpasar and Badung Agricultural Services

Inspection activity antemortem – postmortem (AMPM) qurban which is organized by the Denpasar City Agriculture Service and the Badung Regency Agriculture and Food Service every year always invites the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University (Unud) to take part in going down to the field as volunteers.


On Saturday (24/06), the Student Executive Board (SEB) of FVM Unud together with related agencies officially held a debriefing activity aimed at imparting knowledge to PPDH and S1 students who will participate in the AMPM examination. The activity was attended by 250 students and all lecturers of veterinary public health (VPH) FVM Unud who acted as resource persons in presenting material related to procedures for inspect cattle and goats that are allowed to be distributed to the local community. Not only conveying material related to inspection procedures, the service also explained the division of regions and also the logistics that would be brought by volunteers from the students of the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University.


Then, on Wednesday (28/06) the volunteers together with veterinarians from the service went to the field to carry out an examination before death and continued on the next morning to do inspection post mortem. Inspection Whichalready done of course it doesn't always run smoothly because some of the places listed are hard to find and don't do slaughter. However, this did not necessarily dampen the enthusiasm of the volunteers. This is evidenced by the alertness of the volunteers to help in other areas where there are a lot of livestock.


"As for the mosque that I got, it turns out that it is no longer holding sacrificial animal sacrifices. I plan to help in other places," said Khairunnisa Zahra Ravenska as one of the activity volunteers.



In this activity, the volunteers were faced with many cases found such as the presence of heartworms, the presence of hemorrhagic in the organs, and others. However, this actually became a challenge and also new knowledge for the volunteers, especially service veterinarians and veterinarians from the faculties who were ready to help solve cases faced by volunteers in the field.


“The inspection activity is very useful for those of us who are still confused to see the difference between diseased and non-diseased livestock organs. Even though I was tired, I realized that my role as a candidate for a veterinarian is very important for the health of the local community," said Pande Kadek Putra Indrayudha when asked related to the impression of the message following the activity.


By going out into the field, meeting with many parties it is hoped that it can help Unud FVM students to realize that they have a very important role as stated in the veterinarian's motto, Manusya Mriga Satwa Sewaka. It is hoped that the volunteers who will become veterinarians can still adhere to this motto.


Author: Lefira