Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Held Animal Health Community Services XXXVIII in Sanding Village, Gianyar

On Friday, 07 July 2023, through the work program in the field of Community Service the Student Executive Board (SEB) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University (UNUD) held an Animal Health Social Work (Kersos Keswan) XXXVIII activity which was officially opened byDean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si, with the theme“Abhinaya Yatna Parahita Satwa Sewaka”. This activity was held in Sanding Village, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency, Bali.


The purpose of carrying out the Kersos Keswan activity is to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially community service by providing rabies vaccination services to community-owned and stray dogs in Sanding Village in order to reduce cases and prevent the spread of rabies in Bali.as well as train students to be more skilled in the field of veterinary medicine. XXXVIII Keswan Kessocial activities were carried out for 3 days on 7 July - 9 July 2023.


The first day of the XXXVIII Keswan Social Welfare Program begins with an opening which contains an activity report by Ni Komang Dyah Purnamasari as Chair of the XXXVIII Keswan Social Welfare Activity Committee and continues with remarks by Alvin Limanto as Chair of SEB, Mr. I Wayan Sudiasa as Jero Bendesa Adat Sanding, Mr. Kompiang Ambarayusa, ST as The head of the Sanding Village Headquarters, Mr. I Made Santiarka as the Head of the Animal Health Division at the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Service, and Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of FVM Udayana.




“Thank you for choosing Sanding VillageTampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency as a place for Kersos Keswan activities. With the Kersos Keswan this can really help us, but we hope that in other activities it can also help with animal health problems and also livestock, "said Mr. I Made Santiarka as the Head of the Animal Health Sector of the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Service in his remarks.


"Kersos Keswan is a vehicle for learning which can later help students to increase their potential in the field of Animal Health. In vaccination activities, students will be able to socialize well with the community and also educate the public about the importance of vaccination," said Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc as the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in his remarks which also officially opened the Keswan Social Welfare Program. The activity continued with a debriefing session on the profile of Sanding Village,Biosecurity Rabies Vaccination,Biosecurity, and Cattle Extension.


The second day Saturday, July 8 2023, the activity began with a briefing, followed by breakfast together and distribution of vaccination logistics. Vaccination activities were carried out in Sanding Village which included Banjar Sanding Gianyar, Banjar Sanding Mancawarna, Banjar Sanding Padang Sigi, Banjar Sanding Karanganyar, Banjar Sanding Bitra, Banjar Sanding Seronggo, and Banjar Sanding Abianbase. The total number of dogs that have been vaccinated is around 442.This activity was followed by an evening of familiarity by the participants, the committee, and so were the invited guests.





On the third day, Sunday, July 9 2023, the closing of the XXXVIII Animal Welfare Cooperation activity was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. The closing agenda began with remarks by Ni Komang Dyah Purnamasari as Chair of the XXXVIII Keswan Social Welfare Activities Committee, Alvin Limanto as Chair of SEB,drh. I Wayan Wirata, M.Sc as the representative of the Supervisor Coordinator, the father of Kompiang Ambarayusa, ST as Head of the Sanding Village Headquarters, Mr. I Made Santiarka as the Head of the Animal Health Division at the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Service, andDr. I Wayan Masa Tenaya, M.Phill., PhD as a representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine who at the same time officially closed the XXXVIII Kewan Kessocial activities. After the closing eventKeswan Keswan XXXVIII, followed by the return of the participants.



“My feeling of participating in this social work activity is between enthusiasm and fatigue. I am happy because I can carry out activities with the class of 2020 in an ongoing wayoffline and being able to go directly into the field by administering the rabies vaccine to dogs so that I can feel that the knowledge during college is very useful for many parties even though in fact there are many risks that we can accept. There is a feeling of tiredness having to do this social work activity in a busy schedule of activities. However, I thank the committee for trying so that we as participants can carry out this activity in a well-facilitated manner. This social cooperation is very useful, so I hope that the next social welfare program can run even better in all its aspects," said Zahra, one of the XXXVIII Kersos Keswan participants.