FK Unud and Teluk Wondama Regency Government Extend Cooperation

FK Unud and Teluk Wondama Regency Government Extend Cooperation


The Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University received a visit from the Teluk Wondama Regency government in order to discuss the extension of the collaboration and the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Faculty of Medicine and RSUD Dr. Alberth H. Torey Teluk Wondama in the meeting room of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.(11/7/2023)


The delegation from Teluk Wondama district led directly by the Regent of Teluk Wondama, Ir. Hendrik S. Mambor, MM., was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes.,

In his remarks, Dr. Januartha expressed his gratitude for the collaboration that has existed so far in the field of health services by sending a chief resident.

"Our hope is that the presence of students can contribute to improving the quality of service in the people of Teluk Wondama district in particular and in the future we hope that this collaboration can be even wider in the field of higher education tridharma," he said.


This event was also attended by the Director of RSUD Dr. Alberth H. Torey, dr. Yoce Kurniawan, Sp.S., general practitioner at the Nikiwar Teluk Wondama Health Center, dr. Stephanie Kurniady, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K)., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FK Unud, Prof. dr. I.Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., Coordinator of the Specialist Study Program in Surgery, Dr. dr. I Made Mulyawan, Sp.B-KBD., Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit (UPIKS) Dr. dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, S.Ked., M.Kes.