Dissemination of Superior Research Results, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Holds National Seminar

Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM Unud) carried out Dissemination of Leading Research Results through a National Seminar with the theme "Together Preventing and Overcoming Animal Diseases and Zoonoses" at Inna Sindhu Beach Hotel Sanur, Thursday (6/7/2023). The activity, which was opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs representing the Chancellor of Udayana University, presented 4 speakers namely from the Directorate General of PKH, Ministry of Agriculture drh Arif Wicaksono MSi, drh Indra Eksploitasia Semiawan MSi (Director of Conservation of Species Biodiversity and Genetics Directorate General of KSDAE, KLHK); Ir Andi Rusandi MSi (PELP Main Expert Directorate General of PRL-KKP); and Prof Dr drh I Nyoman Suartha MSi (Dean of FVM Unud).


The material presented at the seminar is related to Government Policy in the Prevention and Management of Strategic Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses in Livestock and Companion Animals, Wildlife and Aquatic; and Acceleration of Collaboration of Animal Health Practitioners, Humans, and the Environment in the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and Zoonoses.


The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Prof. Gusti Ayu Yuniati Kencana, in her report said that the increasing interaction between humans and animals has resulted in an increase in the emergence and spread of zoonoses throughout the world. Currently 70 percent of lung infections are known to be zoonotic and as academics, Udayana Veterinary Scholars want to play a role in efforts to prevent and control zoonotic animal diseases. Two activities were carried out, namely a Workshop and a Seminar where workshops were carried out and resulted in the formulation of recommendations regarding the criteria for releasing wild animals after being kept ex-situ. It is hoped that the formulation of these recommendations can be used as a reference for the Government in formulating strategic policies for the prevention and management of infectious diseases and zoonoses.


Then the seminar activity which was the dissemination of superior research results by FVM Lecturers and partners was attended by 79 participants with 44 people as presenters. Through the seminar, it is hoped that the lecturer's research can be adopted by partners and the government when making policies so that it is beneficial globally, nationally, and internationally according to what is stated in the Roadmap for the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana Udayana University. "Seeing the variety of participants, we are sure that the seminar output target can be achieved," said the Head of the Committee.


Meanwhile, Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his remarks revealed that animal diseases and zoonoses are serious threats that affect people's welfare and ecosystem sustainability. In recent years, we have witnessed the devastating effects of these diseases, both on a local and global scale. Therefore, the theme of our seminar is very relevant and urgent. As academics, we have a big responsibility in increasing our understanding and knowledge about animal diseases and zoonoses. Through research, innovation and collaboration between sciences, we can develop effective solutions to prevent and treat these diseases. "I hope that this seminar will become a momentum to build a strong and sustainable network between educational institutions, government, practitioners, and society. Let's unite, work together, and share knowledge to prevent and control animal diseases and zoonoses, for the sake of sustainability of animal, human and environmental health," said Prof. Rai.