Prof. Sucipta, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University who became a speaker at Think Efficiency 2023

As a series of the annual Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2023 events held at the Mandalika International Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara, Shell Indonesia in collaboration with the Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) Indonesia also held a Think Efficiency 2023 talk show with the theme Unlocking Creative Solutions: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Innovation on June 6 2023. At this year's talk show, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Made Sucipta, ST., MT., IPM. invited as one of the resource persons along with other resource persons from Shell Indonesia, Enviu Indonesia, and Shell LiveWire 2023 Finalists.



Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Made Sucipta, ST., MT., IPM. as a representative from academia conveyed several things related to how a lecturer plays a role in developing sustainable innovations that can influence and inspire students, the concrete steps of lecturers in motivating students to think out of the box and apply innovation in everyday life, and how the curriculum Academic education can be adapted to further encourage students to think critically, creatively and innovate in the context of a circular economy.



The Think Efficiency 2023 event is being held in a hybrid manner, apart from being held at the Mandalika International Circuit, it can also be attended through Zoom Meetings and Live via Youtube. The enthusiasm of the talk show participants was very high, especially regarding innovation in the development of new and renewable energy, so that discussions related to innovation and development towards entrepreneurship became a forum for sharing knowledge and experiences that provide added value to students as young innovators.


As a series of the Think Efficiency 2023 event, it was also informed about the competition program which is the result of a collaboration between Shell Indonesia and SRE Indonesia which aims to encourage active students who have an interest in the fields of Energy, Tribology and Digitalization to produce efficient and impactful innovations. positive.