Cominpro Bali Application, Ready to Facilitate Communal Intellectual Property Recording

Author: Dandy | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - Tuesday (27/06/2023) FH UNUD together with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Bali held an activity to improve the Protection, Management and Utilization of Communal Intellectual Property (IP) in Bali Province through the Development of the Communal Intellectual Property Bali Application (Cominpro Bali) which was held in the FH UNUD Hall and attended by Professor of FH UNUD in the field of IP, Prof. Dr. N.K Supasti Dharmawan, S.H., M.Hum., LLM, IP teaching lecturers, FH UNUD students. This activity is motivated by the IP data presented in the searching section one by one if you do not know the name and type of registered IP, the public does not know the amount of Communal Intellectual Property (IP) in a Regency / City. Also, there is no feature to digitally inventory the potential and recording of KIK in Bali.


According to the resource person Ida Bagus Made Danu Krisnawan, SH, MH, "The Cominpro application from the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is here to facilitate this. The purpose of the presence of this application is to provide information to stakeholders related to KIK recorded in the Cominpro Bali application, secondly to support the implementation of Intellectual property tourism (Intellectual Property-based tourism) so as to provide value for economic rights, thirdly to avoid double recording of Intellectual Property products in Bali Province."


With the Cominpro Bali application, it can provide convenience in services, especially recording KIK, provide information, knowledge, insights, and as a reference for new work patterns, and motivate local governments and communities throughout the Regency / City to protect, manage, utilize and commercialize KIK.