Cooperation PT. NTP with the Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana regarding the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Program

The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University signed a Cooperation Agreement with PT Nusantara Turbin Propolsi on Monday, 26 June 2023, at the Office of PT Nusantara Turbin Propolsi (PT. NTP) Bandung. This activity was attended by Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University I Gusti Ketut Sukadana along with the Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, and Sub. Coordinator of Education and Cooperation.

PT. Nusantara Turbin Propolsi is a State-Owned Enterprise engaged in the field of railways and transportation. The purpose of this Cooperation Agreement is as a tool to carry out Joint Education on the Implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Program which covers the fields of Education, Training and Empowerment of Human Resources to become more qualified for mutual progress.

The scope of this collaboration includes: Student Internships, Lecturers with activities in the industry, Curriculum Development, Joint Research, Teaching Practitioners in Higher Education etc. This Cooperation Agreement involves all Undergraduate Study Programs at the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, namely: Electrical Engineering Study Program, Information Technology Study Program, Environmental Engineering Study Program, Industrial Engineering Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Civil Engineering Study Program and Study Program Architecture