Monitoring and Evaluation of Education Study Program in FH UNUD Year 2023

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - FH UNUD as the Study Program Organizing Unit (UPPS) carries out educational monitoring and evaluation activities in all study programs starting at the Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Doctoral (S3) levels on Friday (23/06/2023). Monitoring and Evaluation activities are carried out as part of the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) cycle where evaluations are carried out to determine the learning process that has been taking place in the four study programs within FH UNUD.


The Coordinator of the Development, Learning and Quality Assurance Unit (UP3M), Dr. I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari, S.H., M.Kn said "technical monev is carried out by first requiring students to fill out a monev questionnaire in the form of a google form (link by giving an assessment of the learning process and services as well as educational infrastructure in study programs and faculties and providing critical suggestions that are used as evaluation material." 


The activity was opened by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs and Planning, Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, S.H., M.Hum, who in her remarks appreciated this activity and gave directions for a Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis of the M&E results so that there was follow-up action taken. The results of the monev can be published to the academic community of FH UNUD and users of educational services, especially students. In a series of monev activities, the results of questionnaire data that have been filled in by students in all study programs at FH Unud were presented.