Students of the Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University on behalf of Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, S.E., M.Si. held a Doctoral Promotion Session and officially held a Doctoral Degree on Friday, June 16, 2023.
This Doctoral Promotion Session was led by the Chairman of the Session, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Anom Purbawangsa, S.E, M.M. as the Coordinator of the Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University.
The educational history of Promovendus Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, S.E., M.Si. is Graduated S1 Management Faculty of Economics, Udayana University in 1991 and Graduated S2 Master of Science Program in Religious and Cultural Sciences, Hindu University of Indonesia in 2004. The dissertation title raised by Promovendus Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, S.E., M.Si. which was able to bring the promovendus to the Doctoral Degree was "The Role of Cultural Capital in Improving the Financial Performance of LPDs in Bali during Covid-19".
This study aims to describe and explain the role of organizational structure, cultural capital, credit risk in improving the financial performance of Village Credit Institutions (LPD) in Bali. Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) is a micro finance organization based in the scope of Balinese traditional villages. More specifically, LPD consists of indigenous people who are very thick with the culture that grows and develops in the community so that activities in achieving organizational goals can be achieved through cultural capital collaboration. Cultural capital has existed and developed as a community identity that includes collective culture and organizational culture.
The results showed that cultural capital is able to strengthen the organizational structure, reduce credit risk, improve efficiency, and financial performance of LPDs. Although in the conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic, LPDs actually made expenditures to provide massive assistance. The novelty raised in this research is (1) cultural capital is part of intellectual capital, (2) LPD is able to suppress agency conflicts which create a spirit of collaboration, and finally (3) LPD is a hybrid organization, one side moves with financial goals but also on the social side.
This Doctoral Promotion Session was held offline / online at BH Building 3rd Floor, Room 3.4 Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, where the Promoter of the Promovendus was Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, S.E., MS. and for Co-Promoter I is Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ramantha, S.E., M.M., Ak., CPA, and Co-Promoter II is Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Putu Wiagustini, S.E., M.Si.
This doctoral promotion was also attended by four academic guests, two of whom were from the Bali Province Prolegda and the President of the Republic of Indonesia Staff and 2 people were alumni of the Management Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. Promovendus successfully passed the Doctoral Promotion Session by achieving the title With Praise (Cumlaude).