Machine learning-based Apps Development in the Apple Ecosystem

Wednesday, May 10 2023, SIC Udayana held a very interesting guest lecture with the theme "Development of Machine Learning-based Apps in the Apple Ecosystem." This activity was attended by Udayana Informatics students who were interested in learning the latest technology in the development of machine learning-based applications on the Apple platform which was held in a hybrid manner. This guest lecture is a rare opportunity for students to gain in-depth insight into application development within the rapidly growing Apple Ecosystem. The main speaker at this event was Mr. Rachmat Kukuh Rahadiansyah, an expert in the field of machine learning who has successfully developed various innovative applications in the Apple Ecosystem.


Pak Kukuh started the guest lecture by giving an introduction to the basic concepts of machine learning and the importance of developing smart applications in today's digital era. He shared inspirational stories about his career journey in developing applications in the Apple Ecosystem, as well as the challenges and opportunities he faced. In addition, Pak Kukuh also introduced various technologies and tools used in developing machine learning-based applications at Apple, including Core ML and Create ML. The material presented by Pak Kukuh was very inspiring and motivating for Informatics students. Students are actively involved in question and answer sessions and discussions to gain a deeper understanding of developing machine learning-based applications in the Apple Ecosystem.


After the main material was finished, it was followed by an info session delivered by Mr. Andi Setiawan Abadi, an experienced professional from the Apple Developer Academy. He introduced the Apple Developer Academy program and provided information about registration requirements and benefits that students can get who join this program. Mr. Andi also shared his personal experiences in developing applications in the Apple Ecosystem, as well as providing insights on the latest trends in the application technology industry. This Apple Developer Academy info session provides a clear picture of the career opportunities and potential of developing applications in the Apple Ecosystem. Many Informatics students were interested and inspired to join this program after listening to Mr. Andi's presentation.


The Machine Learning-based Apps Development Guest Lecture at the Apple Ecosystem succeeded in providing new insights and knowledge for the participants. They gain a better understanding of machine learning technologies and the applications that can be built with these technologies on Apple platforms. It is hoped that activities like this can continue to be carried out to improve the quality of education and prepare students to face competition in the increasingly competitive world of information technology.








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