Community Service and the Peak of the KIH-19 Birthday Celebration

Community Service and the Peak of the KIH-19 Birthday Celebration


The Semi-Autonomous Body of the Hippocrates Scientific Group, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KIH FK UNUD) held Community Service and Peak Night activities with the aim of commemorating its 19th year of birth, as one of the Semi-Autonomous Bodies engaged primarily in the scientific field. This activity carries the theme "Eudaimonia" and is held offline in dr. A A. Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine Building, Denpasar. (13/5/2023)


The event was attended by the Dean of FK Unud, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., KIH coaches, external agencies, Head of BEM FK UNUD, Chair of KIH, Chair of the Committee, AI KIH FK UNUD, AM 19 KIH FK UNUD.

In his remarks, the Dean said that the 19th KIH Anniversary activity indicated that KIH FK UNUD had developed over the past 19 years as a scientific organization.

"The 19th KIH Anniversary activity is very beneficial for all of us to be able to further increase solidarity between generations. Apart from that, in community service activities, we can also help the surrounding community to live a better life and learn to take real research samples from the community." he said.


On this occasion, Dr. Januartha also expressed his gratitude to the KIH advisors, namely:

1.Dr. dr. Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, S.Ked., Sp.MK.(K), Ph.D

2. Ns. Ni Putu Emy Darma Yanti, S.Kep., M.Kep

3.Dr. dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, S.Ked., M.Kes

4.Dr. dr. Dyah Kanya Wati, Sp.A(K)

5.Dr. dr. Urged Made Wihandani, M.Kes

6.Dr. Tience Debora Valentina, S.Psi., M.A